Graffiti robot firmware base on Grbl v0.9
The implemented kinematics allow a 2 string + gravity system (as in hektor), and the pwm support allows triggering the spray using a servo-motor.
additional features:
- define POLAR: swaps from cartesian to polar kinematics. It's required to set up the distance between the motors. Homing at startup is essential, otherwisse positioning can not be achieved.
- define RC_SERVO: Use PIN D11 to drive the servo. Use the commands M03 Sxxx (xxx between 0 and 255) to rotate the servo between 0-180. The command M05 turns the servo to zero degrees. source
To flash the grbl to arduino we did it through terminal. To compile the code:
make clean
make grbl.hex
And to flash it:
(AVRDUDE-PATH)/avrdude -C(AVRDUDE.CONF-PATH)/avrdude.conf -v -patmega328p -carduino -P/dev/(USB) -b(BAUTRATE) -D -Uflash:w:(GRBLPOLAR-PATH)/grbl.hex:i
/home/Applications/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C/home/Applications/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -patmega328p -carduino -P/dev/ttyUSB0 -b57600 -D -Uflash:w:/POLAR/grbl-polar/grbl.hex:i
##Configuring Grbl-polar The Grbl-polar's configuration is the same as in [Grbl v0.9] ( But we have added a new setting: 'distance'. You can define it through the GUI settings or by the command line:
$27=1000 (distance, mm)
It defines the distance between the two motors and it is needed in order to achieve machine's positioning.
To generate the G-code you can use any slicing program and slice a vectorial drawing. We used Inkscape because it is opensource and you can do vectorial drawings and slice them directly with the Laser Plug-In. You have to take into account when sittuating the drawing in the page that the center (0,0) of the robot is situated on the left motor.
To send G-code to the robot we had used or Universal G-code Sender
GPLv3 license