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Grails Plugin exposing user-defined metrics as strings or graphs


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Grails Plugin exposing user-defined metrics (HeartBeat) as strings, graphs or piecharts.



  • Auto-refresh
  • Display HeartBeats as String, graphs, or piecharts
  • HeartBeats with parameters
  • CRUD for HeartBeats
  • Live configuration test within the CRUD GUI ("Test" button)
  • AJAX, GSP template, Controller, Service
  • No security: you MUST control access yourself when invoking the HeartBeat (recommendation: add a SpringSecurity URL rule on /heartBeat)
  • No security: you MUST make sure the script invoked do no nasty things, like in groovy System.exit()
  • (rejected) <g:heartBeat> TagLib


A CRUD interface is available at /heartbeat :

Show view

Once you have created HeartBeats, you can use them anywhere in your application, for example in an admin page:

Display view

The code used to insert HeartBeats like in the previous picture:

<g:set var="list" value="${heartbeat.HeartBeat.list().sort { it.orderKey }}"/>
<g:set var="hideButtons" value="${params.boolean('hideButtons')}"/>
<g:set var="hideTitle" value="${params.boolean('hideTitle')}"/>
<g:set var="hideButtons" value="${params.boolean('hideButtons')}"/>

<div class="my_data_line">
        collection="${list.findAll { it.orderKey.startsWith 'A' }}"

<div class="my_data_line">
        collection="${list.findAll { it.orderKey.startsWith 'B' }}"


The <g:render template="/heartBeat"/> template reads the following variables:

  • REQUIRED it (of type HeartBeat)
  • OPTIONAL hideButtons if set to true, will hide the edit/delete buttons
  • OPTIONAL hideData if set to true, will not show the HeartBeat data. It is hard to see why one would want to do this.
  • OPTIONAL hideErrors if set to true, errors while retrieving HeartBeat data will not appear.
  • OPTIONAL hideTitle if set to true, will not show the HeartBeat title

Within the HeartBeat database table, the available fields are:

  • title: the name of the metric, which will be shown in HTML as the title of the block.
  • refreshRate: how often to refresh the metric, in seconds. A typical value would be 60.
  • type: currently only sql or groovy. It names the language used to interpret the script field.
  • display: currently graph or text. In HTML, the former will show as a ChartJs canvas, while the later will show as a simple text.
  • orderKey: used to sort or filter the HeartBeats. You may want to use X-Y matrix positioning, as in '5-3'.
  • style: a css set of properties, applied to the HTML div surronding the rendered HeartBeat, you may want to add coloring here, like "text-color:green;". // css
  • script: back-slash escaped code to execute to fetch the data, written in SQL or Groovy. Examples provided below.

When using HeartBeatParam, theses are simply

  • name: the name of the parameters, used in the EL script.
  • value: value that replaces the parameter.

Scripts may come with parameters, using Groovy's SimpleTemplateEngine.

HeartBeat SQL examples

-- Number of pets
select count(*) from Pet
-- Progession of number of pets on last 24h   
  to_char(ts, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm'),
  (select count(*) from pet where dateCreated < ts)
  generate_series(now () - interval '1 day', now(), interval '1 hour') ts
-- number of pets by keeper
SELECT, count(*)
  inner join keeper USING keeper_id

HeartBeat Groovy examples

// Number of pets

HeartBeatParam Groovy examples

// Number of pets older than parameter age
Pet.createCriteria().count { gt 'age', $age}


Within your own grails application:

  • Add the dependency to the plugin, in /build.gradle
dependencies {
    compile "org.grails.plugins:heartbeat:2.1"
  • Add the JavaScript code, in /grails-app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require jquery-2.2.0.min
//= require chartjs.min
//= require heartbeat
  • Show the HeartBeats, by inserting within an access-protected GSP
<g:set var="list" value="${heartbeat.HeartBeat.list().sort { it.orderKey }}"/>

<div class="my_data_line">
    <g:render template="/heartBeat" collection="${list}" />
<g:link controller="heartBeat">HeartBeat Admin</g:link>


git clone
gradle bootRun

A webserver then is running.

  • Add a new HeartBeat at http://localhost:8080/heartBeat/create
  • See it displayed at http://localhost:8080/

Help wanted

If you want to contribute, here are some ideas:

  • (very easy) in ‘_hearbeat.gsp‘, add a "fetch now" button, see issue #4
  • (easy) make CRUD-dedicated JS only applicable to heartbeat CRUD pages (search for $('.test.button').click), see issue #5
  • (easy) Bug: "Test" button does not show http 500 when it Occurs within the "show" view, see issue #6
  • (easy) in ‘_heartbeat.gsp‘, add a clock, showing how long before the data gets updated, see issue #7
  • (easy) remove useless files from the plugin code, like grails-app/assets, see issue #8
  • (easy) add pie-style charts, see issue #3 DONE
  • (medium) remove jquery dependency, reverting to vanilla JavaScript, see issue #9
  • (medium) Optimize JS, see issue #10
  • (medium) Improve add param GUI (using default grails generate-view/controller feels clunky), see issue #11
  • (hard) Make the js graph renderer configurable, so another chart library can be used, like D3
  • (hard) auto-generate the doc: the README file is essentially copy-pasting the source code. It would be nice to simply dump the relevant code comments.
  • (hard) caching results - is this possible without adding heavy dependencies, maintaining genericity and configurability? Is caching even desireable?


Grails Plugin exposing user-defined metrics as strings or graphs







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