Licensed under MIT License.
Igni container is a psr-container
compliant lightweight service locator pattern implementation.
- Simple usage if you are familiar with
there is no learning-curve required for basic usage - Context aware you can define custom instances of services for given use-cases.
- Auto wiring required dependencies are auto-injected into your service
composer install igniphp/container
$serviceLocator = new Igni\Container\ServiceLocator();
$serviceLocator->set('my_awesome_service', new stdClass());
$myService = $serviceLocator->get('my_awesome_service');
var_dump($myService === $serviceLocator->get('my_awesome_service')); // returns true
Shared services are services which are instantiated only once and reference is kept in the registry that way every time service is requested from the container it will return the same instance.
use Igni\Container\ServiceLocator;
class Service
public $a;
public function __construct(int $a = 1)
$this->a = $a;
$serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();
$serviceLocator->share(Service::class, function() { return new Service(2); });
var_dump($serviceLocator->get(Service::class)->a === 2); //true
var_dump($serviceLocator->get(Service::class) === $serviceLocator->get(Service::class)); // true
Factored services are instantiated every time container is asked for the service.
use Igni\Container\ServiceLocator;
class Service
public $a;
public function __construct(int $a = 1)
$this->a = $a;
$serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();
$serviceLocator->factory(Service::class, function() { return new Service(2); });
var_dump($serviceLocator->get(Service::class)->a === 2); //true
var_dump($serviceLocator->get(Service::class) === $serviceLocator->get(Service::class)); // false
Auto-wiring allows you to simply pass fully qualified class name and all type-hinted arguments for that class will be resolved automatically by the container.
use Igni\Container\ServiceLocator;
class A
class Service
public $a;
public $number;
public function __construct(int $number = 7, A $a)
$this->number = $number;
$this->a = $a;
$serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();
var_dump($serviceLocator->get(Service::class)->a instanceof A);// true
That's all folks!