Generate markdown from C# binary & xml document for GitHub/GitLab Wiki. This library has two options
dotnet tools install -g igloo15.MarkdownApi.Tool
nuget install igloo15.MarkdownApi.Core
markdownapi --help
markdownapi 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2019 igloo15, jyasuu, neuecc
A required value not bound to option name is missing.
Normal Usage:
markdownapi ./MyDll.dll ./Api
Wildcard Usage:
markdownapi ./bin/*.dll ./Api
Multiple Search Locations:
markdownapi ./bin/*.dll;./dist/myapp/myApp.dll ../../
--namespace-filter (Default: ) A regex used to generate documentation only for namespaces that match
--root-filename (Default: The name of the markdown file at the root of your documentation
--title (Default: Api) Title of the root home page
--summary (Default: ) A summary you want to appear on root page
--namespace-page (Default: false) Create pages for each namespace
--type-page (Default: true) Create pages for each type
--constructor-page (Default: false) Create pages for each constructor
--method-page (Default: false) Create pages for each method
--property-page (Default: false) Create pages for each property
--field-page (Default: false) Create pages for each field
--event-page (Default: false) Create pages for each event
--method-folder (Default: Methods) The folder to store method pages in
--constructors-folder (Default: Constructors) The folder to store constructor pages in
--property-folder (Default: Properties) The folder to store property pages in
--field-folder (Default: Fields) The folder to store field pages in
--event-folder (Default: Events) The folder to store event pages in
--theme (Default: Default) The theme you wish to use. Selecting a theme will potentially
override the commandline arguments you have defined
--default-theme-file (Default: default.settings.json) File containing settings for the default theme
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
Dll Path (pos. 0) Required. The path to the dll to create documentation for. May include wildcards on file
name. Use ';' to search multiple areas
Output Directory (pos. 1) (Default: md) The root folder to put documentation in
markdownapi "./build/**/*.dll" "./docs/api"
Globbing support allows you to find all dlls underneath a folder
markdownapi "./bin/MyDll.dll" "./api/markdown"
Access specific dlls and output them to a location
markdownapi "./dist/**/publish/igloo15*.dll" "./docs/api"
Many different globbing rules
var project = MarkdownApiGenerator.GenerateProject("../../../MarkdownApi.Core/Debug/netstandard2.0/*.dll");
project.Build(new DefaultTheme(new DefaultOptions
BuildNamespacePages = true,
BuildTypePages = true,
RootFileName = "",
RootTitle = "API",
ShowParameterNames = true
See the documentation result here