Releases: ifmeorg/ifme
Releases · ifmeorg/ifme
Refactor StrategiesController, create style guide in Storybook, and add copy to clipboard input
- Refactor StrategiesController by @bmwachajr
- Create style guide in Storybook by @KatieOfCode
- Add copy to clipboard support to secret share field by @ScotianMan
Update to merge v1.2.1
- Update to merge v1.2.1 to address high-security vulnerability by @julianguyen
Update gems, npm packages, refactors, a11y improvements, and improving Resource page url
- Gem updates: Rubocop, dotenv-rails, byebug, capybara, devise_invitable, activerecord-import
- Add missing tests and refactor MomentsHelper by @bmwachajr
- Refactor meetings controller by @bmwachajr
- Support keyboard navigation for modals by @Gibbo3771
- Support filter params in Resource page url by @rhiroyuki
- Update node version to 11.10.1 and npm packages by @julianguyen
Improve Viet translations and decrease dependencies for chart.js
- Improve Viet translations by @vananhle159
- Decrease dependencies for chart.js by @geppy
Gem updates and fix spelling in Viet translation
- Gem updates: devise, google-api-client, factory_bot_rails,rubocop, and better errors
- Fix spelling in Viet translation by @vananhle159
Content updates
- Add to Resources by @julianguyen
- Add Nishiki's blog post to Press by @julianguyen
- Add to Contribute page by @Xinyiguo2
Refactor ApplicationMailer, gem updates, and improvements to form errors
- Refactor ApplicationMailer by @cpretzer
- Gem updates: google-api-client, factory_bot_rails
- Improvements to form errors by @Mera-Gangapersaud and @julianguyen
New resources and gem updates
- New resources (games) by @julianguyen
- Gem updates: sentry-raven, rubocop-spec, capybara, rubocop, rails-i18n, google-api-client, and activerecord-import
Test for InputLocation and gem updates
- Test for InputLocation by @julianguyen
- Gem updates: google-api-client, cloudinary, carrierwave, react_on_rails, omniauth-google-auth2, activerecord-import, friendly_id, pry-rails, rubocop-rspec,rubocop, activerecord-import, dotenv-rails, sentry-raven, pg, rspec-rails, and bundler-audit
Gem updates, improvements to compare_locales_support_spec, update translations, and new Resources
- Gem updates to rubocop, letter_opener, cloudinary, google-api-client, omniauth-google-oauth2, groupdate, font-awesome-sass, and react_on_rails
- Rewrite compare_locales_support_spec to be dynamic by @matcha440
- Add more Resources by @julianguyen
- About us translations by @julianguyen
- Add description and resource count to Resources page by @julianguyen