Releases: ifmeorg/ifme
Releases · ifmeorg/ifme
- Improve UI for tooltip by @256hz
- Gem update: Devise
Re-release v7.6.0, background colour support for Storybook, and Webpack production build fix
- Re-release v7.6.0
- Email template by @tsara27 and @julianguyen
- Update npm packages to latest by @julianguyen
- Update Hers Journal to Hers Blog @julianguyen
- Fix translations section in README @julianguyen
- Background colour support for Storybook by @julianguyen
- Webpack production build fix by @julianguyen
Email template and update to latest React
- Email template by @tsara27 and @julianguyen
- Update npm packages to latest by @julianguyen
- Update Hers Journal to Hers Blog @julianguyen
- Fix translations section in README @julianguyen
Upload avatar for Google authenticated users
- Re-enable restore_cache in CircleCI config by @julianguyen
- Upload avatar for Google authenticated users by @janessatran
- Package updates: mixin-deep
- Cleanup CloudinaryService by @bmwachajr
- Gem updates: nokogiri
- NPM module updates: eslint-utils
- Updated Aloe domain, brand name, and tags by @mattbischoff
- Translate README to Portuguese by @gerssonmg
- Replace chromedriver-helper with webdrivers by @julianguyen
- Update docker image in Circle CI to fix bug by @julianguyen
- Temporarily disable restore_cache in CircleCI to get new cache by @julianguyen
Gem updates, more test specs, addition to Contribute page, and using omniauth-rails_csrf_protection
- Gem updates: capybara, selenium-webdriver, rubocop-performance, google-api-client, groupdate, react_on_rails, activerecord-import, bcrypt, omniauth-google-oauth2, spring, inline_svg, jquery_rails
- Bump omniauth-google-oauth2 by @lphytech
- Add a 5 second delay for the view to render by @bmwachajr
- Expose port 5432 psql container by @lphytech
- Back-end work for being able to upload images to Moments and Strategies editors by @bmwachajr
- Tests for GroupsController by @janessatran
- Tests for GroupsFormHelper by @scw248
- Tests for PusherController by @DamonClark and @janessatran
- Add omniauth-rails_csrf_protection and remove omniauth-rails by @julianguyen
- Tests for GroupsHelper by @kolisnyklera
- Attempt to fix flaky InvitationsController spec by @julianguyen
- Add Valeria Kolisnyk to Contributors by @kolisnyklera
v7.3.0: Bump selenium-webdriver from 3.142.2 to 3.142.3
- Gem updates: google-api-client, capybara, selenium-webdriver, rubocop, rubocop-rspec, jbuilder, rails-erd
- Remove link from premade content by @gr1d99
- Fix bugs related to above by @julianguyen
- Add Hers Journal to Resources by @julianguyen
- Only deploy Storybook if there are changes to specific folders by @julianguyen
- Only deploy Storybook if there are changes to client folder by @adamjpena
- Gem updates: selenium-webdriver and capybara
- Add rubocop-performance by @julianguyen
- Bump code climate version to 0.67 by @meanmachin3
Gem update, replace infinite scroll with load more button, and update education resource link
- Gem updates: rubocop
- Replace infinite scroll with load more button by @julianguyen
- Update education resource link by @andy5995
Hindi translations, gem updates, and a new contributor blurb
- Gem updates: inline_svg, nokogiri, capybara, bullet, selenium-webdriver, annotate, rubocop, and google-api-client
- Hindi translations by @toshitapandey
- New contributor blurb by @sananta