Clojure + GraalVM based console application. It is a boilerplate for such type of solution and example of workflow.
- Create simple Clojure application using lein:
lein new jubei
- Update your
file like this:
- Fetch archive with GraalVM v.
curl -L > graalvm-ce-java11-linux-amd64-
- Unpack the content:
tar zxf graalvm-ce-java11-linux-amd64-
- Move unpacked content to your local /opt directory:
sudo mv graalvm-ce-java11- /opt
- Install native-image with the help of GraalVM Updater utility
/opt/graalvm-ce-java11- install native-image
Check the result:
/opt/graalvm-ce-java11- list
Command output:
ComponentId Version Component name Stability Origin
js Graal.js -
graalvm GraalVM Core -
native-image Native Image Early adopter
- Change your location to your Clojure application:
cd ~/src/jubei
- Build you Clojure project with lein:
lein native-image
Run your application:
Bandit Boss: [after Jubei defeats a trio of bandits]
Then, it's true! They hired you for
only 20 pieces of gold, Jubei?
Jubei: Yeah.
Bandit Boss: But the sword we stole was a precious
treasure given by the Shogun!
And they're paying you only 20 pieces
of gold for getting it back for them?
You fool!
Jubei: They're a poor, small clan. You can't
swindle 300 pieces of gold for a sword.
You're asking too much - you're the fool!
Bandit Boss: Shut up! Damn you!
Jubei: [finishes his rice ball, notices the weather]
Looks like a storm is brewing here.
I better get movin'!