Simple ROS server to query trac_ik package for Baxter.
The package allows to specifiy a tolerance (Field end_tolerance
of the IK request message). The chosen method makes several IK calculation step-by-step by increasing the tolerance until success or the maximum number of attempts have been reached (Field num_steps
of the IK request message).
Make sure you haven't already downloaded the original trac_ik repository or add an empty file CATKIN_IGNORE
at the root of this package.
cd ../src
git clone
git clone
cd ..
roslaunch trac_ik_baxter ik_server.launch
The default topics to send IK requests are:
You can pass a list of several poses stamped, the IK server hence returns a list of joint states, one for each input point, even if it's invalid. In that case the vector of booleans isValid
is filled accordingly.
# Endpoint Pose(s) to request Inverse-Kinematics joint solutions for.
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped[] pose_stamp
# (optional) Joint Angle Seed(s) for IK solver.
# * specify a JointState seed for each pose_stamp, using name[] and position[]
sensor_msgs/JointState[] seed_angles
float32 end_tolerance
uint8 num_steps
If you do not need the IK server to increase tolerance in case of IK not found
error, just leave end_tolerance
and num_steps
blank, although it then warns that tolerance is invalid the server will behave as the original TRAC IK package, performing only 1 attempt with tolerance = 1e-5
# joints[i] == joint angle solution for each pose_state[i]
sensor_msgs/JointState[] joints
float32[] accepted_tolerance
bool[] isValid
The accepted_tolerance
field returns the tolerance for which we managed to find a solution (if any). Thus accepted_tolerance<=end_tolerance