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Sandbox Foundry

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This repository contains source codes for experimentation with Foundry and Vue.js

Courses used in the repository

contracts folder contain Cryptozombies smart contracts and dapp folder contain a Vue.js frontend

Install and config

Doc to install foundry

curl -L | bash
source ~/.bashrc

Creating a new foundry project

forge init

Install OpenZeppelin

forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts --no-commit
forge install smartcontractkit/[email protected] --no-commit

If needed, to init remappings use forge remappings > remappings.txt

Add private key to foundry keystore

cast wallet import defaultKey --interactive

then add the password in contracts/.password file and PUBLIC_KEY_LOCAL public key in .env

VSCode Configuration


The frontend in dapp has been created with vitejs and vitest for unit testing

Test Contracts

Run tests on contracts

task contracts-test
forge test --fork-url <URL>

Test call with cast for Cryptozombies

cast call 0x... "getZombiesByOwner(address _owner)" "0x..."


Create a gas usage snapshot file .gas-snapshot with forge snapshot

Run Contracts and Frontend

Launch a local testnet node, see Anvil doc


Build and deploy contracts

task contracts-build contracts-deploy

Launch frontend

task frontend-build frontend-run
