A musical instrument in which hammers, operated from a keyboard of ivories, strike its cast of strings.
This library provides parsing of ivory chord descriptor files and functionality to lookup the times associated with an entity.
Unsorted, pipe-separated, entity and inclusive date.
<entity>|<inclusive date>
For example:
This library is primarily designed to be consumed from C using the following API:
// Lookup an entity in the chord descriptor.
// If the entity is found, its array of chord times are returned, sorted oldest
// to newest. The times returned are an exclusive bound on the scope of the
// chord query for the entity requested.
// Times are in seconds since 1600-03-01 (ivory epoch).
// If the entity is not found, the |out_count| will be set to 0.
error_t piano_lookup (
piano_t *piano
, size_t entity_size
, const char *entity
, int64_t *out_count
, int64_t *out_times