The script provides web server setup using nginx through docker. However, that is an option that could be chosen when running the script. So, if you decide to use docker instead of the native setup on the server (install nginx), the server must be installed with docker
Run the script.bash
bash script.bash [target directory] [domain]
Then we must fill several input:
- What kind of key (select first option for RSA and RSA)
- How length are the RSA keys bits (type 4096)
- How long is the valid date (select first option for no expiration date)
- Real Name (fill with ICHIRO ITS)
- Email Address (fill with [email protected])
- Comment (optional - whatever)
- Passphrase (password for the gpg key - skip with clicking Ok and Confirmation without passphrase twice)
Finally, the repository folder will be created in the target directory. Include any debian package first, before using the debian repository.