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Navigation Stack

Andy Edmonds edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 54 revisions

Welcome to the Navigation Stack wiki!

This page gives useful information on the navigation stack that runs on Summit XL such as navigation modes, parameter descriptions, and debugging.

Viewing Navigation with RViz

Launching the simulation launch files by default bring up RViz with the navigation config. For ITR execute the following command to bring up RViz.

rviz -d ~/catkin_ws/src/icclab_summit_xl/rviz/irlab_summitxl.rviz

Navigation Modes

Arguments to irlab_summit_xl_complete.launch: Below are all the possible navigation stack arguments that can be set. Their descriptions are given within the wiki.

	<arg name="teleop" default="false"/>
	<arg name="launch_robot_localization" default="false"/>
	<arg name="omni" default="true"/>
	<arg name="launch_move_base" default="false"/>
	<arg name="launch_gmapping" default="false"/>
	<arg name="launch_amcl_and_mapserver" default="false"/>
	<arg name="map_file" default="icclab/icclab_latest_map.yaml"/>
	<arg name="x_init_pose" default="-16.910"/>
	<arg name="y_init_pose" default="-0.777"/>
	<arg name="z_init_pose" default="0.0"/>
	<arg name="a_init_pose" default="-1.597"/>
	<arg name="debug_mode" default="false"/>
	<arg name="slam" default="false"/>

NOTE: The arg launch_robot_localization fuses IMU data with odometry to theoretically provide a more accurate robot pose in the odom frame (i.e. less drift, more info on odom frame here).

Arguments to irlab_sim_summit_xls_complete.launch:

        <!-- GAZEBO -->
        <arg name="ros_planar_move_plugin" default="true"/> <!-- disables gazebo ros_control plugin -->
        <arg name="gazebo_world" default="$(find icclab_summit_xl)/worlds/"/>
        <arg name="gazebo_gui" default="true"/>

        <!-- NAV STACK PARAMS -->
        <arg name="launch_rviz_nav" default="true"/>
        <arg name="map_file_a" default="willow_garage/willow_garage.yaml"/>
        <arg name="localization_robot_a" default="false"/>
        <arg name="gmapping_robot_a" default="false"/>
        <arg name="move_base_robot_a" default="true"/>
        <arg name="amcl_and_mapserver_a" default="true"/>
        <arg name="slam" default="false"/>

Omni vs. Diff drive

The argument omni determines the drive mode of the robot. By default it is set to true which enables omnidirectional drive by configuring the teb planner and executing the command below. Mode 2 corresponds to omni kinematics while mode 1 is diff.

rosservice call /summit_xl/set_mode "mode: 2"


Run the following command to manually control the robot with a keyboard (ROS wiki source).


roslaunch icclab_summit_xl irlab_summit_xl_complete.launch teleop:=true 


Run the following command to drive the robot by sending navigation goals in a pre-built map using AMCL and map_server.


roslaunch icclab_summit_xl irlab_summit_xl_amcl.launch
  • By default the world brought up is worlds/ specified by the gazebo_world argument (world is same as the willow garage)
  • Set gazebo_gui:=false to disable the bring-up of the gazebo_gui node (decreases the computational load of gazebo)


roslaunch icclab_summit_xl irlab_summit_xl_amcl.launch sim:=false
  • By default the brought up map is icclab/icclab_latest_map.yaml specified by the map_file argument
  • Maps are found and should be saved in the icclab_summit_xl/maps directory
  • Optional arguments are x_init_pose, y_init_pose, z_init_pose, and a_init_pose which sets the initial pose of the robot on the map (can also be done with RViz 2D Pose Estimate tool).

NOTE: AMCL only accepts LaserScan messages from a single topic and a single frame which is problematic with a 2-lidar setup. To solve this issue the laserscan_multi_merger node from ira_laser_tools is used to merge the laser scan topics to scan_combined and to the frame summit_xl_base_link (the relay ROS node is insufficient for this issue since it just 'relays' two topics to one topic).


Run the following command to do SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) with GMapping. Maps should be saved in icclab_summit_xl/maps.


roslaunch icclab_summit_xl irlab_summit_xl_gmapping.launch
  • By default the world brought up is worlds/ specified by the gazebo_world argument (world is same as the willow garage)
  • Set gazebo_gui:=false to disable the bring-up of the gazebo_gui node.


roslaunch icclab_summit_xl irlab_summit_xl_gmapping.launch sim:=false

NOTE: Like AMCL, GMapping requires a single LaserScan topic + frame message so the laserscan_multi_merger node is again used here which also fixes the sweep lidar angle increment + GMapping issue.

Saving map with map_server:

rosrun map_server map_saver map:=/summit_xl/map -f ~/catkin_ws/src/icclab_summit_xl/maps/icclab/map


Cartographer is another SLAM algorithm (like GMapping) made by Google. The forked repository is here which contains gathered notes and useful information while experimenting with cartographer.


roslaunch icclab_summit_xl irlab_summit_xl_cartographer.launch
ROS_NAMESPACE=summit_xl roslaunch cartographer_ros summit_xl_slam.launch use_sim_time:=true launch_rviz:=false


roslaunch icclab_summit_xl irlab_summit_xl_cartographer.launch sim:=false
ROS_NAMESPACE=summit_xl roslaunch cartographer_ros summit_xl_slam.launch use_sim_time:=false launch_rviz:=false

NOTE: Cartographer is currently not installed on the summit and needs to launched on a separate machine.


NOTE: Tuning parameters should be done in a systematic and controlled way. It is crucial to start experimenting with the system defaults and then tune parameters individually according to needs. Documentation of parameters should be added as comments in configuration files.

Effective way of tuning parameters: rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

Changing Logger level: rosrun rqt_logger_level rqt_logger_level

Good tuning guides:

Costmap debug argument: Add as an argument when bringing up robot debug_mode:=true which will publish voxel map. Click checkbox next to Voxel Grid topic in RViz to view markers. Example shown below.

@ROBOT:$ roslaunch icclab_summit_xl irlab_summit_xl_slam.launch debug_mode:=true
@REMOTE_PC:$ rviz -d ~/catkin_ws/src/icclab_summit_xl/rviz/irlab_summitxl.rviz

Screenshot of voxel grid in rviz

Fixed Issues

A blog post was written to expand on the issues discussed below.

laserscan_multi_merger node

ISSUE: Node did not subscribe to LaserScan topics when it was in the same launch file as bring-up of sensors.

SOLUTION: The ROS package timed_roslaunch is used to delay the bring-up of the laserscan_multi_merger node by 5 seconds which allows enough time for LaserScan topics to be published and ready to be subscribed by the laserscan_multi_merger node.

Clearing 2D obstacle layer (ObstacleLayer) on costmap

ISSUE: "Ghost obstacles" (as the online community likes to refer them as) are points on the costmap that indicate no-longer-existing obstacles. This issue was seen with the Scanse Sweep LIDARs.

SOLUTION: The following parameters were modified:

  • In costmap_common_params.yaml the parameter inf_is_valid was set to true (should be set for all sensors that return inf for invalid measurements)
    • move_base/obstacle_2d_layer/scan_front/inf_is_valid true
    • move_base/obstacle_2d_layer/scan_rear/inf_is_valid true
  • In irlab_sweep2scan.launch the parameter range_max was changed from 40.0 to 6.0
    • pointcloud_to_laserscan_front/range_max 6.0
    • pointcloud_to_laserscan_rear/range_max 6.0
  • In costmap_common_params.yaml the parameter raytrace_range was set higher than the max valid measurement returned by the sensor
    • move_base/obstacle_2d_layer/raytrace_range 6.1

Clearing 3D obstacle layer (VoxelLayer) on costmap

ISSUE: The robot sometimes had an issue with clearing 3-D obstacles in the costmap specifically at short distances from the front depth camera. This distance was observed to hover around the camera's blind spot.

SOLUTION: Recovery behavior was setup such that it clears the obstacle_3d_layer whenever the planner fails to find a plan. This commit corresponds to the changes made. Below are screenshots of the solution working in simulation.

To further mitigate this issue, specifically when the planner does indeed find a valid plan, the Spatio-Temporal Voxel Layer was implemented to replace the default one. This improved voxel grid package has a voxel_decay parameter which clears voxels and hence costmap overtime. Commit d4aae66 corresponds to the modifications made to incorporate this package.

Planning in unknown areas

ISSUE: Global planner was occasionally planning in unknown areas.

SOLUTION: The config file global_planner_params.yaml was added to move_base.launch to replace the default Navfn global planner with GlobalPlanner. The parameter allow_unknown was set to false and in costmap_common_params.yaml the parameter track_unknown_space was set to true.

Another modification is the obstacle_2d_layer was removed from the global costmap due to the layer's high raytrace_range (set to properly clear 2D obstacles in local costmap) which was wrongly setting "unknown" space to "free".

Planning retries when robot is stuck

ISSUE: Planner would attempt to only find one plan before executing recovery behavior. Hence, the robot would give up finding a plan very quickly.

SOLUTION: The following commit 93eea82 solves the issue. The key parameters in the file move_base_params.yaml to tune to solve this issue are the following: max_planning_retries, planner_frequency, planner_patience, and controller_patience. Their descriptions are described in the move_base wiki.

Poor IMU data

ISSUE: Data from the IMU was very unreliable. When the robot was stationary acceleration values were non-zero. Used rqt_plot to produce image showing inaccurate imu data.

SOLUTION: We sent our imu to Robotnik. They fixed it and sent it back.

Unresolved Issues

Rear Scanse LIDAR outputs few valid points

The rear Scanse LIDAR mostly outputs inf values, hence very few valid data points. It should be replaced by another LDS-01 (the current sensor on the front).

Merged scan does use data from front LIDAR

The scan_combined topic does not seem to include data from the front LIDAR even though the laserscan_multi_merger node is subscribed to the topic scan_front.

Things to investigate

Slam toolbox