The IbrowsBoxalinoBundle allows you to export your entities and chosen entity fields to boxalino, offers a service for search and autocomplete functions offered by boxalino, and a twig extension of the Javascrpt tracking.
Fetch the source code
$ php composer.phar require ibrows/boxalino-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to your project's
directory. -
Add the bundle to your
class// app/AppKernerl.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Ibrows\BoxalinoBundle\IbrowsBoxalinoBundle(), // ... ); // ... }
db_driver: "orm" #Default value
#used to extract translatable data from an entity
translation_locales: [en] #Default value
#boxalino credentials
account: "account"
username: "username"
password: "somepassword"
#Export directories and export logger
directory: "%kernel.cache_dir%/boxalino/" #Default value, Where to store the export zip and csv files
properties_xml: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/properties.xml" #Which properties.xml file to use
log_manager: "ibrows_boxalino.entity.export_log_manager" #Default value, implement you own to log to another system
#Entity setup
class: "AppBundle\\Entity\\Product"
entity_mapper: "ibrows_boxalino.mapper_orm.entity_mapper" #Default value, implement you own to log to create entity maps
entity_provider: "ibrows_boxalino.provider_orm.entity_provider" #Default value, implement you own to retrieve entities
delta_provider: "ibrows_boxalino.provider_orm.delta_provider" #Default value, implement you own to provide updated entities
#configuration for retrieving delta data
strategy: fromFullData #Default value, possible values are 'fromFullData', 'timestambleFieldQuery','repositoryMethod'
strategy_options: #If strategy is timestambleFieldQuery, or repositoryMethod, one of the following must be supplied
timestampable_query_field: updated_at #Field to use if timestableFieldQuery is strategy
repository_method: getDeltaEntities #The name of the method on the Entity Repository class to retrieve delta entities, must take a \DateTime object as a parameter
#List of fields to export, generally the accessor on the entity. Field name in CSV, and then accessor
id: id
name: name
description: description
brand: brand
my_array_field: "[my_array_field]" can also be in array syntax if data is array not an objetct
class: "AppBundle\\Entity\\Brand"
id: id
name: name
class: "AppBundle\\Entity\\ProductCategory"
id: id
parent: parent
name: name
More information in the index