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OpenShift 4 UPI on Azure Cloud

This terraform implementation will deploy OpenShift 4.x into an Azure VNET, with two subnets for controlplane and worker nodes. Traffic to the master nodes is handled via a pair of loadbalancers, one for internal traffic and another for external API traffic. Application loadbalancing is handled by a third loadbalancer that talks to the router pods on the infra nodes. Worker, Infra and Master nodes are deployed across 3 Availability Zones



  1. Configure DNS

  2. Create a Service Principal with proper IAM roles

  3. Azure CLI

Minimal TFVARS file

azure_region = "eastus2"
cluster_name = "ocp46"

# From Prereq. Step #1
base_domain                           = ""
azure_base_domain_resource_group_name = "openshift4-common-rg"

# From Prereq. Step #2

Customizable Variables

Variable Description Default Type
azure_subscription_id Subscription ID for Azure Account - string
azure_tenant_id Tenant ID for Azure Subscription - string
azure_client_id Application Client ID (from Prereq Step #2) - string
azure_client_secret Application Client Secret (from Prereq Step #2) - string
azure_region Azure Region to deploy to - string
cluster_name Cluster Identifier - string
master_count Number of master nodes to deploy 3 string
worker_count Number of worker nodes to deploy 3 string
infra_count Number of infra nodes to deploy 0 string
machine_v4_cidrs IPv4 CIDR for OpenShift VNET [] list
machine_v6_cidrs IPv6 CIDR for OpenShift VNET [] list
base_domain DNS name for your deployment - string
azure_base_domain_resource_group_name Resource group where DNS is hosted. Must be on zame region. - string
azure_bootstrap_vm_type Size of bootstrap VM Standard_D4s_v3 string
azure_master_vm_type Size of master node VMs Standard_D4s_v3 string
azure_infra_vm_type Size of infra node VMs Standard_D4s_v3 string
azure_worker_vm_type Sizs of worker node VMs Standard_D4s_v3 string
openshift_cluster_network_cidr CIDR for Kubernetes pods string
openshift_cluster_network_host_prefix Detemines the number of pods a node can host. 23 gives you 510 pods per node. 23 string
openshift_service_network_cidr CIDR for Kubernetes services string
openshift_pull_secret Filename that holds your OpenShift pull-secret - string
azure_master_root_volume_size Size of master node root volume 512 string
azure_worker_root_volume_size Size of worker node root volume 128 string
azure_infra_root_volume_size Size of infra node root volume 128 string
azure_master_root_volume_type Storage type for master root volume Premium_LRS string
openshift_version Version of OpenShift to deploy. 4.6.13 strig
bootstrap_completed Control variable to delete bootstrap node after initialization false bool
azure_private If set to true will deploy api and *.apps endpoints as private LoadBalancers - bool
azure_extra_tags Extra Azure tags to be applied to created resources {} map
airgapped Configuration for an AirGapped environment AirGapped map
azure_environment The target Azure cloud environment for the cluster public string
azure_master_availability_zones The availability zones in which to create the masters. The length of this list must match master_count ["1","2","3"] list
azure_preexisting_network Specifies whether an existing network should be used or a new one created for installation. false bool
azure_resource_group_name The name of the resource group for the cluster. If this is set, the cluster is installed to that existing resource group otherwise a new resource group will be created using cluster id. - string
azure_network_resource_group_name The name of the network resource group, either existing or to be created null string
azure_virtual_network The name of the virtual network, either existing or to be created null string
azure_control_plane_subnet The name of the subnet for the control plane, either existing or to be created null string
azure_compute_subnet The name of the subnet for worker nodes, either existing or to be created null string
azure_emulate_single_stack_ipv6 This determines whether a dual-stack cluster is configured to emulate single-stack IPv6 false bool
azure_outbound_user_defined_routing This determined whether User defined routing will be used for egress to Internet. When false, Standard LB will be used for egress to the Internet. false bool
use_ipv4 This determines wether your cluster will use IPv4 networking true bool
use_ipv6 This determines wether your cluster will use IPv6 networking false bool
proxy_config Configuration for Cluster wide proxy AirGapped map
openshift_ssh_key Path to your own SSH Public Key. If none provided it will create one for you - string
openshift_additional_trust_bundle Path to your trusted CA bundle in pem format - string
openshift_byo_dns If set to true, we will not create Azure Public/Private DNS zones. You'll need to manually create api, api-int and *.apps DNS records false bool

Deploy with Terraform

  1. Clone github repository

    git clone [email protected]:ibm-cloud-architecture/terraform-openshift4-azure.git
  2. Create your terraform.tfvars file

  3. Deploy with terraform

    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply
  4. Destroy bootstrap node

    TF_VAR_bootstrap_complete=true terraform apply
  5. To access your cluster

    $ export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/installer-files/auth/kubeconfig
    $ oc get nodes
    NAME                                 STATUS   ROLES          AGE   VERSION
    fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus21-6kqlt    Ready    infra,worker   20m   v1.19.0+3b01205
    fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus22-m826l    Ready    infra,worker   20m   v1.19.0+3b01205
    fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus23-qf4kc    Ready    infra,worker   19m   v1.19.0+3b01205
    fs2021-hv0eu-master-0                Ready    master         30m   v1.19.0+3b01205
    fs2021-hv0eu-master-1                Ready    master         30m   v1.19.0+3b01205
    fs2021-hv0eu-master-2                Ready    master         30m   v1.19.0+3b01205
    fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus21-bw8nq   Ready    worker         19m   v1.19.0+3b01205
    fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus22-rtwwh   Ready    worker         20m   v1.19.0+3b01205
    fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus23-tsw44   Ready    worker         20m   v1.19.0+3b01205

Infra and Worker Node Deployment

Deployment of Openshift Worker and Infra nodes is handled by the machine-operator-api cluster operator.

$ oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api
NAME                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus21    1         1         1       1           35m
fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus22    1         1         1       1           35m
fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus23    1         1         1       1           35m
fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus21   1         1         1       1           35m
fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus22   1         1         1       1           35m
fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus23   1         1         1       1           35m

$ oc get machines -n openshift-machine-api
NAME                                 PHASE     TYPE              REGION    ZONE   AGE
fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus21-6kqlt    Running   Standard_D4s_v3   eastus2   1      31m
fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus22-m826l    Running   Standard_D4s_v3   eastus2   2      31m
fs2021-hv0eu-infra-eastus23-qf4kc    Running   Standard_D4s_v3   eastus2   3      31m
fs2021-hv0eu-master-0                Running   Standard_D8s_v3   eastus2   1      37m
fs2021-hv0eu-master-1                Running   Standard_D8s_v3   eastus2   2      37m
fs2021-hv0eu-master-2                Running   Standard_D8s_v3   eastus2   3      37m
fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus21-bw8nq   Running   Standard_D8s_v3   eastus2   1      31m
fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus22-rtwwh   Running   Standard_D8s_v3   eastus2   2      31m
fs2021-hv0eu-worker-eastus23-tsw44   Running   Standard_D8s_v3   eastus2   3      31m

The infra nodes host the router/ingress pods, all the monitoring infrastrucutre, and the image registry.


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