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藏头诗生成 Generate Chinese poetry with heads

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Group project: 藏头诗生成



  • mainWidget.pymainWidget.ui:描述GUI的窗口结构;


在训练之前,需要将数据稍作清洗。我们将诗句按”五言/七言”和“绝句/律诗“分为四类,删去句子长短不一致的诗(例如,”青箬笠、绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归“ 这首诗其中一句只有六个字),每类按每行一首诗的格式输出为txt文件,编码为UTF-8 with BOM



  1. 调用自定义的数据库读入诗词,将标点符号转为标识符#,在开头加上标识符@,在末尾加上标识符*;为所有符号和汉字(统称为单位)建立字库,每个单位赋予一个编号;同时,计算每个单位的tf-idf值;

  2. 数据库将编码后的数据随机分为训练/验证/测试集(比例为 85%/15%/0%,我们没有在训练后独立进行测试)。以七言绝句为例,加上标识符后,每句诗为一个长为33的向量。每批数据的X为向量第0-31位,Y为第1-32位,逻辑上为”给定前a位,预测第a+1位“;

  3. 每一轮训练时,hidden_state均初始化为全0向量;每次循环时,数据库提供一批测试数据(X,Y),网络运算X后得到预测结果Y',损失L采用分类交叉熵,每一个单位为一类,类的权重为这个单位的tf-idf值。框架自动计算损失L的梯度,并进行反向传播。循环直至取遍所有批次。


  4. 每一轮训练后,在验证数据集上进行类似的操作,但仅计算损失L,不计算梯度与反向传播;

  5. 打乱测试数据;

  6. 重复3-5共num_epoch次(项目中为300),记录每次训练和验证的平均损失,绘制曲线,并保存验证损失最小的模型。循环结束后,保存最终模型。





Group project: Generating Chinese poetry with heads

Basic Definition

A Chinese poetry contains four or eight sentences, each with five or seven Chinese characters. Jueju means poems with four sentences, and Lvshi means eight; Wuyan means poems with five characters in each sentence, and Qiyan means seven. Depending on these two features, we split the poems into four kinds (of course there are exceptions). For example, a poem with four five-word sentences is Wuyan Jueju, and one with eight seven-word sentences is Qiyan Lvshi.

A head is the concatenation of the first character in each sentence. For example, below is a Chinese poem:


and its head is 春处夜花.

Project Structure

This repository contains the following codes:

  • defines a custom dataloader class. It reads in the poems dataset, assigns number to each Chinese character, splits train/test/validation datasets, and feeds random batches of data;
  • defines two models, the LSTM model and the Transformer model. The latter performs bad and is no longer used;
  • trains the LSTM model;
  • trains the Transformer model. No longer used;
  • interacts with the trained model via command line. It's no longer used as we have implemented a GUI;
  • mainWidget.pymainWidget.ui: GUI files;
  • start the GUI;
  • provides interface from the trained model to the GUI, including generating poems and switching between the four kinds of poetry.

Training and Testing

Before training, we split the poems into four kinds as mentioned above (and discard poems that do not fall into these four categories). The four datasets are in the data folder, encoding UTF-8 with BOM.


We train the model in the following steps

  1. Read in the dataset with the custom dataloader class, convert all punctuations into #, add identifiers @ and * to the beginning and ending of each poem respectively, assign number to each characters, and compute the tf-idf value for each character;

  2. Split the dataset into train/validation/test datasets (at ratio 85%/15%/0%, we only test the model during training). Take Qiyan Jueju as an example, after adding identifiers, each poem is represented as a vector of length 33 (written as a[0..32]). The input of the model is a[0..31] and output a[1..32], so conceptually, given the first X characters, the model predicts the (X+1)th character;

  3. before each epoch, hidden_state is initialized as all-zero; in each epoch, the dataloader provides a batch of data (X,Y), the model reads in X and predicts Y'; we compute loss L(Y,Y') with catagorical cross-entropy, with the tf-idf value of each character as its weight; the gradient of L is then back-propagated through the model;

    In each epoch, for all batches except the first one, we use the same hidden_state passed from the last batch; we use the Adam optimizer, and the gradient is clipped with factor 0.1 in case the gradient explodes;

  4. After each round of training, we do the same thing on validation set, but we only compute L without computing or propagating gradient;

  5. Shuffle the training set;

  6. Repeat 3-5 for num_epoch times (in our project it's 300), record the average training/validation loss in each epoch, plot the curve, and save the model with minimum validation loss. Also save the final model.


During testing, we call the model from the GUI, and judge the quality of generated poems manually.

We set a poem for each kind of poems. Prior to testing, the trained model reads in this poem and outputs the hidden_state. We then use this hidden_state to generate poems. This state encodes style information. In our project, we use "Chuanxiao" (by Meng Haoran) for Wuyan Jueju, "Qingming" (by Du Mu) for Qiyan Jueju, "Seeing Vice-Magistrate Du Off to his Post in Sichuan" (by Wang Bo) for Wuyan Lvshi, "A Tour of the Village West of the Mountain" (by Lu You).

Take Qiyan Jueju. For a given head (with four characters), we send the first character of the head and the hidden_state mentioned above to the model to get the second character and the new hidden_state. The first and second character is then concatenated and sent into the model (with the new hidden_state) to get the third character, so on so forth. When we have the seventh (namely, we have the first sentence), append identifier # and the second character of the head to the sentence, then send it to the model to get the second sentence. Repeat this process till we get a complete poem.


If you are taking the same course, please adhere to the academic integrity code. In other cases, you are free to use any parts of this project. I am NOT responsbile for ANY incurred results.


藏头诗生成 Generate Chinese poetry with heads






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