Project used Clean Architecture design pattern.
Project is ready to modify and add new features.
- Before running the project, add fonts you want to use in the project to the assets/fonts folder and update pubspec.yaml file.
- As we are still working on this project, Swagger UI models might be generated wrongly, please check the actual swagger model
Here some other essential commands to help you:
Generate CLA project => $ dart compile exe bin/main.dart -o bin/generate
- after generating the executable file, make sure to add the path to the environment variable
- n on macOS register path of generator file in shell profile e.g. ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile
- on windows register path of generator file in environment variables check it out =>
Generate new project => $ generate project
Generate new feature => $ generate feature
Regenerate LocaleKeys => $ dart run easy_localization:generate -S "assets/translations" -O "lib/generated" & dart run easy_localization:generate -S "assets/translations" -O "lib/generated" -o "locale_keys.g.dart" -f keys
Rebuild build files => $ flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs