An art installation that uses plants as switched to run gifs on raspberry pis
Running on Raspbian Jessie with PIXEL, Raspberry Pi B+ 16GB SD card (6) Adafruit 5pad touch sensor Wiring NB: Copper wire from 5pad to plant is flat copper tape 10cm long. Longer wire makes it too sensitive.
Initial programming taken from
NB: I followed this to set it up so that the script runs on boot
"For the past month or so I've been working on basically the exact same thing, so I've researched how to do this a lot and know how to do it with the latest version of Raspbian (PIXEL).
nodm is a minimal display manager that bypasses loading LXDE, and openbox (which is already installed on the Pi) provides a minimal session manager and works with the X server.
To set up this environment in Raspbian, install nodm with apt-get and edit the file /etc/default/nodm. You need to set the option NODM_ENABLED to true and NODM_USER to pi (or whatever your username is).
Then create a custom Xsession file in your home folder (/home/pi/.xsession) with the following contents (the while loop isn't necessary, it just automatically restarts the Python script if it crashes):
#!/usr/bin/env bash exec openbox-session & while true; do python3 /home/pi/Documents/ done