A quick way to parse XML structures
Xyleme comes from the frustration of having to quickly parse XML elements. In my experience, two well-known libraries enable to parse XML in Scala :
- native scala-xml enables fast formatting, but is tedious while parsing
- scalaxb is safer, but needs XSD to be defined and sometimes is not ideal (complex structure, duplicate names)
The idea of Xyleme is to use circe as inspiration to enable safer and easier parsing of xml elements.
First, add Xyleme dependency to your module definition in build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.iadvize" %% "xyleme" % "<version>"
It brings to transitive dependencies : cats-core and scala-xml
Then, use ElemDecoder
and ElemCursor
to parse your nodes
import com.iadvize.xyleme._
import scala.util.Try
import cats.syntax.apply._
case class Price(value: Long)
case class Album(name: String, artist: String, price: Price)
implicit val priceDecoder: TextDecoder[Price] = TextDecoder.fromOption("Price") { str =>
Try((BigDecimal(str) * 100).toLongExact).toOption.map(Price)
implicit val decoder: ElemDecoder[Album] = ElemDecoder.instance { elem =>
val xml = <albums>
<album price="15.00">
<name>One Size Fits All</name>
<artist>Frank Zappa</artist>
<album price="13.00">
<name>Maggot Brain</name>
val albums = ElemCursor.from(xml).downElem("album").as[List[Album]]
// Valid(List(
// Album(One Size Fits All,Frank Zappa,Price(1500)),
// Album(Maggot Brain,Funkadelic,Price(1300))
// ))
Xyleme is able to detect formatting errors. These are accumulated thanks to the ValidatedNec datatype
val wrongXml = <albums>
<album price="not-a-price">
<name>One Size Fits All</name>
<artist>Frank Zappa</artist>
<album price="13.00">
<name>Maggot Brain</name>
val wrongAlbums = ElemCursor.from(wrongXml).downElem("album").as[List[Album]]
// Invalid(Chain(
// Failed to parse field into Price, path: /albums/album/@price, text: not-a-price,
// Failed to find field at given path: /albums/album[2]/artist/text()
// ))
Xyleme is currently in development :
- its API is not stable and could change
- it certainly has a lot of edge cases
- its current implementation is not optimized (multiple traversals of DOM)
Feel free to contribute :). I already think of several improvements:
- a stax cursor implementation, quite complex, but I think it could be possible
- add property based tests to improve coverage of edge cases
Contribution guidelines are described in CONTRIBUTING.md.