Survey™ Project (SP) is a free. open source survey and (data entry) forms webapplication (WAP) for processing & gathering data online.
Survey™ Project is written in C#, ASP.NET and runs on Windows OS, IIS and MsSqlserver databases.
Survey™ Project is an easy-to-use webapp to collect data and information from customers, visitors or employees efficiently.
At Github you will find the most recent Survey™ Project releases, source code and several branches for (public) development. Former releases (up untill v 2.3) and sources can be found at http://survey.codeplex.com
Available Guides for SP™ v2.5
- Quickstart UserGuide
- Installation Guide
- Developers Guide
Download at: http://www.surveyproject.org/Support/Helpfiles/GuidesManuals/tabid/300/Default.aspx
On Github check the docs directory of the repository for information on:
- Support
- Code of Conduct
- Contributions
- Issue Template
- Pull Request Template
The following sites are part of the current project and development platform:
+Survey™ Project Community at http://www.surveyproject.org
- main site of the project for regular status updates
- forums on all SP™ related subjects
- all product information and backgrounds
- links and help files
+Survey™ Project Demonstation at http://www.surveyproject.net
- test and demo site of the latest SP™ webapplication
- test and demo of online survey samples
+Survey™ Project Codeplex at http://survey.codeplex.com
- former versions of the source code
- former releases;
- (legacy) documentation
Note: as announced by Microsoft [2017/03/31] the Codeplex site will shutdown. Already this Github site has replaced all former Codeplex features for the SP™ project. All information on Codeplex will be archived and remain available.
master: initial branche containing the SP v2.3 production source code
sp_24_dev: SP v2.4 production source code
sp_25_dev: SP v2.5 production source code - current default
- sp_26_dev: branche to be created based on sp_25_prod for project development of SP v. 2.6