SteamApis.Com Package for easier use of the API
yarn add simplesteamapis
npm i simplesteamapis
- getLegacyInventory(steamID, appID, contextID)
- Used to get the legacy version of the users inventory. this includes some information that is not included in the new endpoints data.
- compactItems(appID)
- Used to gather a compact version of the items from a specific game, provided an appID is provided, for example 730 (CSGO)
- CompactItemsWithValue(appID, compact_value)
- Used to gather a compact version of the items from a specific game, like above. But with the added feature of allowing a user set timeframe for prices.
- getInventory(steamID, appID, contextID)
- Used to gather a users inventory from steam. If supplied with a steamID, appID and contextID, this is used in the example below.
- getProfile(steamID)
- Used to return all information regarding a steam users profile, such as name, avatar etc.
- siteStats()
- Used to return the stats of how many items have been scanned/requests that have been served by
- app(appID)
- Used to return all information on a specific game/application that has been chosen, 730 (CSGO) for example.
- apps()
- Used to return all information on all games tracked by
- item(appID, market_hash_name)
- Used to return specific information for an item on the community market, provided an appID and Market name are provided.
- items(appID)
- Used to return all information on items for a specific game, that are on the community market. 730 (CSGO) for example.
- cards()
- used to return card data for all of steam.
- itemsImage(appID)
- returns images for items from a sepcific game or app, if appID is provided.
const steamapis = require("simplesteamapis");
const api = new steamapis("API_KEY");
(async () => {
try {
const inventory = await api.getInventory("76561198027608071", 730, 2);
} catch (err) {
👤 Ashley Bridges
- Github: @idefinehd
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