Super resolution with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models based on Image Super-Resolution via Iterative Refinement(SR3)
The method is based on conditional diffusion model. During inference, low resolution image is given as well as noise to generate high resolution with reverse diffusion model. Previous method SR3 has disadvantages of slow sampling rate, computationally intensive and weak supervision from low resolution. The propose method aim to solve these issues with improved noise/learning rate schedule and modified reconstruction objective.
Change the training of the network to predict residual for faster convergence (details in Report.pdf)
fuse low-resolution images to multiple stages in UNet to enhance the consistency score.
Different settings in config folder include training and hyperparameter. Main code of training and evaluation
Example training code is shown below (from scratch)
python -p val -c config/sr_sr3_16_128.json -lin_schedule False
Example evaluate code
python -p train -c config/sr_sr3_16_128.json -lin_schedule False
Main code of dataset generation from official format (FFHQ) with several folders.
python data/ --path dataset/128 --out Out --size 16,128
training curve evaluation
tensorboard --logdir=tb_logger
Shown in the graph the proposed method has the better performance comparing to baseline (SR3)