This program enables port forwarding on top of WebSocket similiar to ssh local port forwarding.
Make sure the WebSocket++
and boost
libraries are pre-installed. Or you can install with the following commands on Ubuntu.
sudo apt install libwebsocketpp-dev libboost-all-dev
Then build with CMake.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make all
Run wspserver
on your server with listening port and forwarding port.
./wspserver 1234 4321 # listen on 1234 and forward to 4321
Run wsplisten
with server addr:port and the listening port.
./wspclient 1080 # listen on 1080 and the server is listening on
Now any TCP data to localhost:1080 will be forwarded to
- enable the client to assign the forwarding port.
- enable encryption by using wss.