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Terraform Datastore Module

The terraform-aws-datastorage-module provides several data storage options in a common abstraction. This is a shared module in that this module is designed to be sourced by other compute based modules.The key design intent for the datastore implementation is ownership and access. Access to and ownership of a datastore should be constrained to the compute service as per standard micro service design patterns. It should be highlighted that no roles are created from this module - compute execution roles are a compute service concern and as such should attach the specific datastore policies that are a concern of this module.

As resources provisioned by this module are stateful, we recommend full Terraform plan review to ensure any changes made are intended. It's recommended to test module upgrades in downstream environments with disposable data and to review release notes for any breaking changes as a result of module or provider api changes.

Branch 0.11 is compatible with Terraform 0.11 but is no longer supported or maintained. We will delete the branch shortly.


Release notes

See the Releases page for the complete list.

Supported Configuration Options

No Datastore

Provides the option to disable the module if required.


RDS datastores supports Postgres and MySQL engines and provide many configuration options (see below). The module supports creating a new RDS instance create_rds_instance or an instance from an existing snapshot use_rds_snapshot.

Although the module supports enabling IAM access to the RDS instance, the module intends that workloads will access the RDS instance via a username and password combination. The IAM access approach requires configuration within the RDS instance to map between the AWS and RDS engine abstractions, which the module does not support. The ability to enable IAM access support allows organisations to define user roles to access RDS instances rather than sharing or generating usernames and passwords.

S3 Bucket

Creates an S3 bucket and an access policy of which the ARN is returned as an output variable. This allows the root/service module to compose other policies and expose these as an execution role. At this stage, the module does not support adding a custom resource policy, nor does it configure any explicit deny rules for the bucket, something that may change in the future.

DynamoDB Table

Creates a DynamoDB table and an access policy of which the ARN is returned as an output variable. There are many configuration options (see below).

Module Reference


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
aws >= 5.26.0, <6.0.0
null >=2.1


Name Version
aws >= 5.26.0, <6.0.0
null >=2.1


Name Description Type Default Required
create_dynamodb_table Whether or not to enable DynamoDB resources bool false no
create_rds_instance Controls if an RDS instance should be provisioned. Will take precedence if this and use_rds_snapshot are both true. bool false no
create_s3_bucket Controls if an S3 bucket should be provisioned bool false no
dynamodb_attributes Additional DynamoDB attributes in the form of a list of mapped values list(any) [] no
dynamodb_autoscale_max_read_capacity DynamoDB autoscaling max read capacity number 20 no
dynamodb_autoscale_max_write_capacity DynamoDB autoscaling max write capacity number 20 no
dynamodb_autoscale_min_read_capacity DynamoDB autoscaling min read capacity number 5 no
dynamodb_autoscale_min_write_capacity DynamoDB autoscaling min write capacity number 5 no
dynamodb_autoscale_read_target The target value (in %) for DynamoDB read autoscaling number 50 no
dynamodb_autoscale_write_target The target value (in %) for DynamoDB write autoscaling number 50 no
dynamodb_billing_mode DynamoDB Billing mode. Can be PROVISIONED or PAY_PER_REQUEST string "PROVISIONED" no
dynamodb_enable_autoscaler Whether or not to enable DynamoDB autoscaling bool false no
dynamodb_enable_encryption Enable DynamoDB server-side encryption bool true no
dynamodb_enable_point_in_time_recovery Enable DynamoDB point in time recovery bool true no
dynamodb_enable_streams Enable DynamoDB streams bool false no
dynamodb_global_secondary_index_map Additional global secondary indexes in the form of a list of mapped values any [] no
dynamodb_hash_key DynamoDB table Hash Key string "" no
dynamodb_hash_key_type Hash Key type, which must be a scalar type: S, N, or B for (S)tring, (N)umber or (B)inary data string "S" no
dynamodb_local_secondary_index_map Additional local secondary indexes in the form of a list of mapped values list(any) [] no
dynamodb_range_key DynamoDB table Range Key string "" no
dynamodb_range_key_type Range Key type, which must be a scalar type: S, N or B for (S)tring, (N)umber or (B)inary data string "S" no
dynamodb_stream_view_type When an item in a table is modified, what information is written to the stream string "" no
dynamodb_table_name DynamoDB table name. Must be supplied if creating a dynamodb table string "" no
dynamodb_tags Additional tags (e.g map(BusinessUnit,XYX) map(any) {} no
dynamodb_ttl_attribute DynamoDB table ttl attribute string "Expires" no
dynamodb_ttl_enabled Whether ttl is enabled or disabled bool true no
enable_datastore Enables the data store module that will provision data storage resources bool true no
iam_resource_path The path for IAM roles and policies string "/" no
rds_allocated_storage Amount of storage allocated to RDS instance number 100 no
rds_apply_immediately Specifies whether any database modifications are applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window. Defaults to false. bool false no
rds_auto_minor_version_upgrade Indicates that minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window. Defaults to true. bool true no
rds_backup_retention_period The backup retention period in days number 7 no
rds_backup_window The daily time range (in UTC) during which automated backups are created if they are enabled. Example: '09:46-10:16'. Must not overlap with maintenance_window string "16:19-16:49" no
rds_cloudwatch_logs_exports Which RDS logs should be sent to CloudWatch. The default is empty (no logs sent to CloudWatch) set(string) [] no
rds_database_name The name of the database. Can only contain alphanumeric characters string "" no
rds_enable_deletion_protection If the DB instance should have deletion protection enabled. The database can't be deleted when this value is set to true. The default is false. bool false no
rds_enable_performance_insights Controls the enabling of RDS Performance insights. Default to true bool true no
rds_enable_storage_encryption Specifies whether the DB instance is encrypted bool false no
rds_engine The Database engine for the rds instance string "postgres" no
rds_engine_version The version of the database engine. string "11" no
rds_final_snapshot_identifier The name of your final DB snapshot when this DB instance is deleted. Must be provided if rds_skip_final_snapshot is set to false. The value must begin with a letter, only contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens, and not end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. string null no
rds_iam_authentication_enabled Controls whether you can use IAM users to log in to the RDS database. The default is false bool false no
rds_identifier Identifier of datastore instance string "" no
rds_instance_class The instance type to use string "db.t3.small" no
rds_iops The amount of provisioned IOPS. Setting this implies a storage_type of 'io1' number 0 no
rds_max_allocated_storage The upper limit to which Amazon RDS can automatically scale the storage of the DB instance. Configuring this will automatically ignore differences to allocated_storage. Must be greater than or equal to allocated_storage or 0 to disable Storage Autoscaling. number 200 no
rds_monitoring_interval The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance. To disable collecting Enhanced Monitoring metrics, specify 0. The default is 0. Valid Values: 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60. number 0 no
rds_monitoring_role_arn The ARN for the IAM role that permits RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics to CloudWatch Logs. Must be specified if monitoring_interval is non-zero. string "" no
rds_multi_az Specifies if the RDS instance is multi-AZ. bool false no
rds_option_group_name Name of the DB option group to associate string null no
rds_parameter_group_family Name of the DB family (engine & version) for the parameter group. eg. postgres11 string null no
rds_parameter_group_name Name of the DB parameter group to create and associate with the instance string null no
rds_parameter_group_parameters Map of parameters that will be added to this database's parameter group.
Parameters set here will override any AWS default parameters with the same name.
Requires rds_parameter_group_name and rds_parameter_group_family to be set as well.
Parameters should be provided as a key value pair within this map. eg "param_name" : "param_value".
Default is empty and the AWS default parameter group is used.
map(any) {} no
rds_password RDS database password for the user string "" no
rds_security_group_ids A List of security groups to bind to the rds instance list(string) [] no
rds_skip_final_snapshot Determines whether a final DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted. If true is specified, no DBSnapshot is created. If false is specified, a DB snapshot is created before the DB instance is deleted, using the value from final_snapshot_identifier bool true no
rds_storage_encryption_kms_key_arn The ARN for the KMS encryption key. If creating an encrypted replica, set this to the destination KMS ARN. If storage_encrypted is set to true and kms_key_id is not specified the default KMS key created in your account will be used string "" no
rds_subnet_group Subnet group for RDS instances string "" no
rds_tags Additional tags for rds datastore resources map(any) {} no
rds_username RDS database user name string "" no
s3_bucket_name The name of the bucket. It is recommended to add a namespace/suffix to the name to avoid naming collisions string "" no
s3_enable_versioning If versioning should be configured on the bucket bool true no
s3_tags Additional tags to be added to the s3 resources map(any) {} no
tags Tags for all datastore resources map(any) {} no
use_rds_snapshot Controls if an RDS snapshot should be used when creating the rds instance. Will use the latest snapshot of the rds_identifier variable. bool false no


Name Description
dynamodb_global_secondary_index_names DynamoDB secondary index names
dynamodb_local_secondary_index_names DynamoDB local index names
dynamodb_table_arn DynamoDB table ARN
dynamodb_table_id DynamoDB table ID
dynamodb_table_name DynamoDB table name
dynamodb_table_policy_arn Policy arn to be attached to an execution role defined in the parent module.
dynamodb_table_stream_arn DynamoDB table stream ARN
dynamodb_table_stream_label DynamoDB table stream label
rds_db_name The name of the rds database
rds_db_url The connection url in the format of engine://user:password@endpoint/db_name
rds_db_url_encoded The connection url in the format of engine://user:ulrencode(password)@endpoint/db_name
rds_db_user The RDS db username
rds_engine_version The actual engine version used by the RDS instance.
rds_instance_address The address of the RDS instance
rds_instance_arn The ARN of the RDS instance
rds_instance_endpoint The connection endpoint
rds_instance_id The RDS instance ID
s3_bucket_name The name of the bucket
s3_bucket_policy_arn Policy arn to be attached to a execution role defined in the parent module



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Copyright © 2020 Hypr NZ