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HyperSnapSDK Documentation for iOS


HyperSnapSDK is HyperVerge's documents + face capture framework that captures images at a resolution appropriate for our proprietary Deep Learning OCR and Face Recognition Engines.

The framework provides a liveness feature that uses our advanced AI Engines to differentiate between a real user capturing their selfie from a photo/video recording.

The framework also provides optional Instructions pages for Document and Face capture and a Review page for Document capture.



  • Minimum iOS Deployment Target - iOS 9.0
  • Xcode 11.2.1


You can find the ChangeLog in the file

Table of contents

Example Project

Please refer to the example app provided in the repo to get an understanding of the implementation.

To run the app:

  • clone/download the repo and open Example_Swift/HyperSnapSDKDemoApp.xcworkspace or Example_objC/HyperSnapDemoApp_ObjC.xcworkspace.
  • Set appId, appKey and region values in the Global.swift file to the ones received from HyperVerge.
  • Build and run the app.

Integration Steps

1. Adding the SDK to your project

Via CocoaPods (Recommended)

HyperSnapSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'HyperSnapSDK'
  • Navigate to Targets -> 'Your App name' -> Build Settings. Ensure that 'Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries' is set to 'Yes'.


  • Download 'HyperSnapSDK.framework' and add it to your Xcode project

  • Navigate to Targets -> General and include the framework under 'Embedded Binaries' and 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries'.

  • Navigate to Targets -> 'Your App name' -> Build Settings. Ensure that 'Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries' is set to 'Yes'.

2. App Permissions

The framework uses the device's camera. To request the user for camera permissions, add this key-value pair in your application's info.plist file.
Key: Privacy - Camera Usage Description Value: "Access to camera is needed for document and face capture"

The same in xml would be:

<string>"Access to camera is needed for document and face capture"</string>

3. Import Statements

Add the import statement in all files using the HyperSnapSDK Objective C:

@import HyperSnapSDK;


import HyperSnapSDK

4. Initializing the SDK

To initialize the SDK, call the HyperSnapSDK.initialize method. This must be done before launching the camera. So, preferably in applicationDidFinishLaunching in the AppDelegate or viewDidLoad of the ViewController


HyperSnapSDK.initialize(appId: <appId>, appKey: <appKey>,region: HyperSnapParams.Region.AsiaPacific)

Objective C:

[HyperSnapSDK initializeWithAppId:@"<appID>" appKey:@"<appKey>" region:RegionAsiaPacific];


  • appId, appKey are given by HyperVerge
  • region: This is an enum, HypeSnapParams.Region with three values - AsiaPacific, India and UnitedStates.

5. Presenting the ViewControllers

The ViewControllers for both document capture and face capture have been provided in a StoryBoard in the framework. They are called HVDocsViewController and HVFaceViewController respectively. To add them to your app, call the start method of the respective ViewControllers.

For Document Capture


    //1. Set properties
    let hvDocConfig = HVDocConfig()

	//2. Create completionHandler
    let completionHandler:(_ HVError?,_ result:[String:AnyObject]?,_ headers:[String:String]?, _ viewController:UIViewController)->Void = {error, result, headers, vcNew in
		if(error != nil){
			print("Error Received: \(error!.getErrorMessage()");
			print("Results: \(result!.debugDescription)");
//3. Call start method
HVDocsViewController.start(self, hvDocConfig: hvDocConfig, completionHandler: completionHandler)

Objective C:

    HVDocConfig *docConfig = [HVDocConfig new];
	[docConfig setDocumentType:DocumentTypeA4];
	[docConfig setShouldShowReviewPage:true];
	[HVDocsViewController start:self hvDocConfig:docConfig completionHandler:^(HVError* error,NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nonnull result, NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> * _Nonnull headers, UIViewController* vcNew){
		if(error != nil){
			NSLog(@"Error Received: %@",  error);
			NSLog(@"Results: %@", result);

The start method takes a HVDocConfig object and a completion handler.

  • completionHandler: This is a closure of type HVError?, result:[String:AnyObject]?, vc:UIViewController -> Void. It is called when a capture is successful or when an error has occured. The values of error and result received by the closure determine whether the call was a success or failure.

    • error: If the capture is successful, the error is set to nil. Otherwise, it is an object of type HVError
    • result: If the capture failed, this is set to nil. Otherwise, it is of type [String:AnyObject]. This has a single key-value pair. The key is 'imageUri' and the value is the local path of the captured and processed image.
  • vc: This is the ViewController that is currently active. You could choose to use this to present your next ViewController. Note: To dismiss the VC, please call vc.dismiss if shouldShowInstructionsPage is false and vc.presentingViewController?.presentingViewController?.dimiss if shouldShowInstructionsPage is true.

  • hvDocConfig : This is an object of type HVDocConfig. Its properties can be set with the setter methods provided for them.

    • setDocumentType(_ type : HyperSnapParams.DocumentType) The document type is used to determine the aspect ratio of the capture area. The DocumentType enum has four values:
      • .card- Aspect ratio : 0.625. Example: Aadhaar Card, Vietnamese National ID, Driving License.
      • .a4- Aspect ratio: 1.4. Example: Bank statement, insurance receipt
      • .passport- Aspect ratio: 0.68. Example: Passports
      • .other- This is for custom aspect ratio. In this case, the aspect ratio should be set in the next line by calling hvDocConfig.setAspectRatio(_:). If the documentType is not set, it defaults to .card.
    • setshouldShowInstructionsPage(_ shouldShow : Bool) To determine if the instructions page should be shown before capture page. Defaults to false.
    • setShouldShowReviewPage(_ shouldShow : Bool) To determine if the document review page should be shown after capture page. Defaults to false.
    • setShouldShowFlashButton(_ shouldShow : Bool) Setting this to true will add a flash toggle button at the top right corner of the screen. It defaults to false.
    • setShouldAddPadding(_ shouldAdd : Bool) By default, padding is added around the document shown in the capture/review page. If this is not needed set this value to false.
    • Label texts:
      • setDocCaptureTitle(_ text : String)
      • setDocCaptureDescription(_ text : String)
      • setDocReviewTitle(_ text : String)
      • setDocReviewDescription(_ text : String)
      • setDocCaptureSubText(_ text : String) These are the texts shown in the Capture page and the Review page. More customisations for the text and default values of these labels can be found here

For Face Capture


    //1. Set properties
    let hvFaceConfig = HVFaceConfig()

	//2. Create completionHandler
    let completionHandler:(_ error:HVError?,_ result:[String:AnyObject]?,_ headers:[String:String]?, _ viewController:UIViewController)->Void = {error, result,headers, vcNew in
		if(error != nil){
			print("Error Received: \(error!.getErrorMessage())");
			print("Results: \(result!.debugDescription)");
		vcNew.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

//3. Call start method
HVFaceViewController.start(self, hvFaceConfig: hvFaceConfig, completionHandler: completionHandler)

Objective C:

 HVFaceConfig *faceConfig = [HVFaceConfig  new];
[HVFaceViewController start:self hvFaceConfig:faceConfig completionHandler:^(HVError* error,NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nonnull result, NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> * _Nonnull headers,UIViewController* vcNew){
if(error != nil){
	NSLog(@"Error Received: %@",  error.getErrorMessage);
	NSLog(@"Results: %@", result);
[vcNew dismissViewControllerAnimated:true completion:nil];

The start method takes a HVFaceConfig object and a completion handler.

  • completionHandler: This is a closure of type error:NSError?, result:[String:AnyObject]?, vc:UIViewController -> Void. It is called when a capture was successful or when an error has occured. The values of error and result received by the closure determine whether the call was a success or failure.

    • error: If the capture is successful, the error is set to nil. Otherwise, it is an object of type HVError.
    • result: This is a dictionary of type [String:AnyObject]?. If the capture failed, this is set to nil and a corresponding error is set in error. For successful capture, response could be found here.
    • vc: This is the ViewController that is currently active. You could choose to use this to present your next ViewController. Note: To dismiss the VC, please call vc.dismiss if shouldShowInstructionsPage is false and vc.presentingViewController?.presentingViewController?.dimiss if shouldShowInstructionsPage is true.
  • hvFaceConfig : This is an object of type HVFaceConfig. Its properties can be set with the setter methods provided for them.

    • setLivenessMode(_ livenessMode : HyperSnapParams.LivenessMode): Explained here.
    • setshouldShowInstructionsPage(_ shouldShow : Bool): To determine if the instructions page should be shown before capture page. It defaults to false.
    • setLivenessAPIHeaders(_ headers : [String:String]) : Any additional headers you want to send with the Liveness API Call. Following are headers that could be sent.
      • referenceId: (String) This is a unique identifier that is assigned to the end customer by the API user. It would be the same for the different API calls made for the same customer. This would facilitate better analysis of user flow etc.
    • setLivenessAPIParameters(_ parameters : [String:AnyObject]) : Any additional parameters you want to send with the Liveness API Call. Following are parameters that could be sent.
      • dataLogging: (String - "yes"/"no") If you want HyperVerge to temporarily store the image to access the QC dashboard or for debugging purposes, please set this to "yes".
      • allowEyesClosed:(String - "yes"/"no") If this is set to 'no', a error would be thrown when eyes are closed in the user photo. By default, closed eyes are allowed.

Liveness in Face Capture

The framework provides a liveness feature that uses our advanced AI Engines to differentiate between a real user capturing their selfie from a photo/video recording. The liveness is enabled by default. To turn it off and on, use the setLivenessMode method in HVConfig.


The structure of the result dictionary returned after Face Capture depends on the Liveness Mode:

.none: No liveness test is performed. The selfie that is captured is simply returned. If successful, the result dictionary in the completionHandler has one key-value pair. - imageUri : local path of the image captured

.textureLiveness : Liveness test is performed on the selfie captured. If livenessMode parameter is not set in HVFaceConfig, the framework defaults to this mode. If the call is successful, the API response is returned as the result dictionary in the completion handler. Apart from status code and success message, the result dictionary has the following fields:

  • imageUri : String. Local path of the image captured
  • live: String with values 'yes'/'no'. Tells whether the selfie is live or not.
  • liveness-score: Float with values between 0 and 1. The confidence score for the liveness prediction.
  • to-be-reviewed: String with values 'yes'/'no'. 'Yes' indicates that it is flagged for manual review.

API Calls


To make OCR API calls directly from the App, use the following method:

HVNetworkHelper.makeOCRCall(endpoint:apiEndpoint, documentUri: docImageUri, parameters: params, headers: headers, completionHandler: completionHandler)


Face Match Call

To make Face ID match call directly from the App, use the following method:

   HVNetworkHelper.makeFaceMatchCall(endpoint:apiEndpoint, documentUri: docImageUri, faceUri:faceImageUri, parameters: params, headers: headers, completionHandler: completionHandler)


For more information, please check out the documentation here

  • parameters: ([String:AnyObject]?) Optional. It could have additonal parameters to be sent with the API Call. Following are parameters that could be sent.
    • dataLogging: (String - "yes"/"no") If you want HyperVerge to temporarily store the image to access the QC dashboard or for debugging purposes, please set this to "yes".
    • allowMultipleFaces:(String - "yes"/"no") Set this to 'no' to have an error thrown when multiple faces are detected in the user photo. By default, multiple faces are allowed.
  • headers: ([String:String]?) Optional. It could have additional headers to be sent with the API Call. Following are headers that could be sent.
    • referenceId: (String) This is a unique identifier that is assigned to the end customer by the API user. It would be the same for the different API calls made for the same customer. This would facilitate better analysis of user flow etc.
  • faceUri: (String) The imageUri received in the CompletionHandler after Face Capture.
  • documentUri: (String) The imageUri received in the completionHandler after Document Capture.
  • completionHandler: This is the callback which is used to return the results back after making the network request. Explained here.

API CompletionHandler

This is of the type, (_ error: HVError?, _ result: [String: AnyObject]?, _ headers: [String:String]?)


  • error : Object of type HVError
  • result : [String:AnyObject]? If the API call was successful, this has the full API results. Otherwise, it is null.
  • headers : [String:String]? This has any additional headers returned by HyperVerge's backend. If there are no such headers, it is null.


HVError is the error object returned in case of failure in Face Capture, Document Capture, liveness call, makeOCRCall or makeFaceMatchCall.

It has two variables : errorCode and errorMessage. These can be accessed with the following method:

let errorCode = hvError.getErrorCode()
let errorMessage = hvError.getErrorMessage()

Here are the various error codes returned by the SDK.

Code Description Explanation Action
2 Internal SDK Error Occurs when an unexpected error has happened with the HyperSnapSDK. Notify HyperVerge
3 Operation Cancelled By User When the user taps on cancel button before capture Try again.
4 Camera Permission Denied Occurs when the user has denied permission to access camera. In the settings app, give permission to access camera and try again.
5 Hardware Error Occurs when camera could not be initialized Try again
6 Input Error Occurs when the input needed by the start method/HVNetworkHelper method is not correct Read error message for more details
11 Initialization Error Occurs when SDK has not been initialized properly Make sure HyperSnapSDK.initialise method is called before using the capture functionality
12 Network Error Occurs when the internet is either non-existant or very patchy Check internet and try again. If Internet is proper, contact HyperVerge
14 Internal Server Error Occurs when there is an internal error at the server Notify HyperVerge
22 Face Detection Error Occurs when a face couldn't be detected in an image by the server Try capture again

Apart from the above errors, if the server returns a non 200 status code for any of the API calls (Liveness, Face Match and OCR), the status code is as it is returned as the error code and the corresponding message is returned as the error message.

These are the possible error codes that could be received from the server:

Code Description Explanation Action
400 Invalid Request Something is wrong with the input Check the error message/API documentation
401 Authentication Error Credentials provided in the initialization step are wrong Check credentails. If they seem correct, contact HyperVerge
404 Endpoint not found Endpoint sent to makeFaceMatchCall or makeOCRCall is not correct Check API documentation
423 No supported KYC document found(OCR Call),
Multiple Faces Found(Face Match Call),
EyesClosed(Liveness Call)
Please check the API documentations for more details Capture again
501, 502 Server Error Internal server error has occured Notify HyperVerge
503 Server Busy Server Busy Notify HyperVerge


Customisation support has been provided to most of the labels and buttons in the framework's user interface.

Please note that using these features is completely optional.


The framework supports localization for all the text it shows.

To implement localization, please add the relevant key - values in your app's Localizable.Strings files. While setting the texts, the framework will pick up the value for the corresponding key. If the values are not found, default values in the framework would be used.

View Controller Key Default Value
HVDocInstructionsViewController docInstructionsTitle ID Capture Tips
HVDocInstructionsViewController docInstructions1 Place within the box
HVDocInstructionsViewController docInstructions2 Do not place outside
HVDocInstructionsViewController docInstructions3 Avoid Glare
HVFaceInstructionsViewController docInstructionsProceed Proceed to Take Selfie
HVDocsViewController docCaptureTitle ID Card
HVDocsViewController docCaptureDescription Make sure your document is without any glare and is fully inside
HVDocsViewController docCaptureSubText Front Side
HVDocReviewViewController docReviewTitle Review This Page
HVDocReviewViewController docReviewDescription Make sure the image is clear and glare free
HVDocReviewViewController docReviewRetakeButton Retake
HVDocReviewViewController docReviewContinueButton Use This Photo
HVFaceInstructionsViewController faceInstructionsTitle Selfie Tips
HVFaceInstructionsViewController faceInstructionsTop1 Good lighting on your face
HVFaceInstructionsViewController faceInstructionsTop2 Hold phone in front of you
HVFaceInstructionsViewController faceInstructionsBrightLight Bright Light
HVFaceInstructionsViewController faceInstructionsNoGlasses No Glasses
HVFaceInstructionsViewController faceInstructionsNoHat No Hat
HVFaceInstructionsViewController faceInstructionsProceed Proceed to Capture ID
HVFaceViewController faceCaptureTitle Selfie Capture
HVFaceViewController faceCaptureActivity Processing
HVFaceViewController faceCaptureFaceFound Capture Now
HVFaceViewController faceCaptureFaceNotFound Place your face inside the circle
HVFaceViewController faceCapturefaceNotFoundToast Face not detected. Please try again
HVFaceViewController faceCaptureMoveAway Please move away from the screen
HVFaceViewController faceCaptureWrongOrientation Please hold the phone upright

Document Based Customisation

Additional level of customisation has been given to the title and description texts in document capture and document review pages. This is to facilitate change of text based on the type of document.

For this, use the setter methods in HVDocConfig while initializing HVDocsViewController. The following are the variable names for the texts.

  • docCaptureTitle
  • docCaptureDescription
  • docReviewTitle
  • docReviewDescription
  • docCaptureSubText


hvDocConfig.setDocCaptureTitle("ID Card")

This inturn supports localization:

hvDocConfig.setDocCaptureTitle(NSLocalizedString("IDCardText", comment: ""))

Please note that if you set any of the above 5 texts in both Localizable.strings files and in HVDocConfig, the values in HVDocConfig would be considered.


All prominent labels and buttons are objects of custom classes. Customisation of styles is available for these classes.

To set a style to an object, you call the setter method on the object's class. This style would be applied to all the objects of that class.

Note: Please make sure all the styles are set before initialising the ViewControllers. Eg:. In the AppDelegates's applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:) or the viewDidLoad of the calling ViewController.

Here is an implementation example for setting some of the styles to achive the default UI:

let buttonColor = UIColor(red: 42.0/255.0, green: 62.0/255.0, blue: 80.0/255.0, alpha: 1)
let textColor = UIColor(red: 115.0/255.0, green: 115.0/255.0, blue: 115.0/255.0, alpha: 1)


These are all the available classes:

Class Description
HVCameraButton Camera button in HVDocViewController and HVFaceViewController
HVDocReviewRetakeButton Retake button in HVDocReviewViewController
HVDocReviewContinueButton Continue button in HVDocReviewViewController
HVInstructionsProceedButton 'Proceed to Capture' buttons in HVDocInstructionsViewController and HVFaceInstructionsViewController
HVTitleLabel Title labels in all ViewControllers
HVFaceInstructionTopLabel The top two instructions in HVFaceInstructionsViewController
HVFaceInstructionBottomLabel The bottom three instructions in HVFaceInstructionsViewController (no bright light, no glasses and no hat)
HVDocInstructionsLabel All the instructions in HVDocInstructionsViewController
HVDocDescriptionLabel Description label for aspect ratios < 1 in HVDocViewController and HVDocReviewViewController
HVDocDescriptionA4Label Description label for aspect ratios > 1 in HVDocViewController and HVDocReviewViewController
HVFaceDescriptionLabel Description label in HVFaceViewController
HVDocSubTextLabel Label at the bottom end of the capture area in HVDocViewController that tells which side of the document to use
HVFaceActivityLabel Label in the processing dialog shown while awaiting liveness response
HVFaceActivityIndicator Activity indicator in the processing dialog shown while awaiting liveness response

These are the available methods for the above mentioned classes.
Feature Method Name Classes
TintColor setImageTintColor HVCameraButton
BorderColor setBorderColor HVDocReviewRetakeButton, HVDocReviewContinueButton
BackgroundColor setBackgroundColor HVDocReviewRetakeButton, HVDocReviewContinueButton
BorderWidth setBorderWidth HVDocReviewRetakeButton, HVDocReviewContinueButton
TitleColor setTitleColor HVDocReviewRetakeButton, HVDocReviewContinueButton
TitleShadowColor setTitleShadowColor HVDocReviewRetakeButton, HVDocReviewContinueButton
TitleShadowOffset setTitleShadowOffset HVDocReviewRetakeButton, HVDocReviewContinueButton
Font setFont All Labels
Alignment setTextAlignment All Labels
TextColor setTextColor All Labels
ShadowColor setShadowColor All Labels
ShadowOffset setShadowOffset All Labels
Style setStyle HVFaceActivityIndicator
Color setColor HVFaceActivityIndicator


Both Face and Document images returned by the SDK have EXIF data stored in them. If the app has permissions to access location, the EXIF data would also contain the 'GPS' data of the image. Please note that, if GPS data is needed, location permissions should be handled by the app before launching the SDK.

To get the EXIF data, use the following code on the imageUri returned by the SDK

let imageCFData = try! (Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: imageUri))) as CFData
if let cgImage = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(imageCFData, nil), let metaDict: NSDictionary = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(cgImage, 0, nil) {


You can find the TroubleShooting guide here

Contact Us

If you are interested in integrating this framework, please contact us at [email protected].
Learn more about HyperVerge here.


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