This is a Chainer plugin for computing statistics over weights, biases and gradients during training.
You can collect the above mentioned data from any chainer.Chain and repeat it for each iteration or epoch, saving them to a log using e.g. to plot the statistical changes over the course of training later on.
Note: It is not yet optimized for speed. Computing percentiles is for instance slow.
An example plot of weights, biases and gradients from different convolutional and fully connected layers.
- Mean
- Standard deviation
- Min
- Max
- Percentiles
- Sparsity (actually just counting number of zeros)
- Weights
- Biases
- Gradients
For a specific layer or the aggregated data over the entire model.
Chainer 1.18.0 (including NumPy 1.11.2)
# This is simplified code, see the 'example' directory for a working example.
import monitor
# Prepare the model.
model = MLP()
# Forward computation, back propagation and a parameter update.
# The gradients are still stored inside each parameter after those steps.
loss = model(x, t)
# Use the plugin to collect data and nicely ask Chainer to include it in the log.
weight_report = monitor.weight_statistics(model) # Mean, std, min, max, percentiles
bias_report = monitor.bias_statistics(model)
fst_layer_grads = monitor.weight_gradient_statistics(model, layer_name='fc1')
zeros = monitor.sparsity(model, include_bias=False)
Weights and biases when training a small convolutional neural network for classification for 100 epochs aggregated over all layers (including final fully connected linear layers). The different alphas show different percentiles.