Releases: hvasbath/beat
Releases · hvasbath/beat
BEAT v2.0.4
BEAT v2.0.3
[2.0.3] 28 September 2024
Bugfix release!
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
- beat.ffi: lsq init fix time estimation of sampling in metropolis step
- fix keyword error
BEAT v2.0.2
[2.0.2] 19 August 2024
Bugfix release!
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
- plotting.3d_slip_distribution: working for BEM mode inferences
- beat.import: import results from geometry inference, broken after MixedSourceTypes
- beat.defaults: do not always re-init such that intended edits in .beat/ are possible
- use new syntax for some classes to silence warnings from pymc and python
BEAT v2.0.1
Bugfix release! Many fixes for GNSS related functionality.
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath, Semih Ergintav @sergintav
BEAT v2.0.0
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
New major version is not backward compatible! Also requires python3.9+!
- new inference mode: "bem" for Boundary Element Modeling
- allow for multi-source type inference: e.g. MTSource, RectangularSource
- added parameter defaults module and config functionality
- using pymc v5 and pytensor instead of pymc v3 and theano --> makes old setups incompatible
- n_sources in config is now list of integers, previous: integer
- source_type to: list of source_types, variable changed to source_types
- adopted ruff linting
- replace nose with pytest testing
BEAT v1.2.5
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
- heart.ResultPoint: extend by event object from MAP
- plotting.seismic,geodetic: add standardized residuals to fit plots
- plotting.marginals: add transforms to MTQT parameters plotting marginals
- plotting.marginals: multi-source support for correlation_hist
- plotting.seismic: "station_variance_reductions" plot
- added new source_type: "SFSource"
- plotting.seismic.seismic_fits: subplots are ordered row wise distance based, channels in cols
- sampler.base.iter_parallel_chains: fix chunksize determination
- minor logging messages
BEAT v1.2.4
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
- covariance.GeodeticNoiseAnalyser: parametrize the residual noise allowing for non-Toeplitz/import
- plotting.geodetic/seismic added standardized residual histograms to residuals
- plotting.geodetic: new plot "geodetic_covariances"
- plotting.geodetic: add "individual" plot_projection to scene_fits to show stdz residuals
- plotting.seismic: fuzzy_bb, lune, hudson and fuzzy_mt_decomp support n_sources > 1
- plotting.seismic: allow plotting of fuzzy_bb for RectangularSource
- plotting.marginals: stage_posteriors fixed axis unification and erroneous histogram plotting
- docs: short_installation fix python version to 3.8
- heart: pol_synthetics allow for RectangularSource
- covariance: estimation of variance on amplitude spectra instead of complex spectra
BEAT v1.2.3
BUGFIX release
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
- FFI: do not init wavemaps during SeismicComposite init
- heart: flexible versioning for geodetic GF backend
- docs: correctly state python3.8 in installation instructions
BEAT v1.2.2
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
- plotting.marginals.traceplot: source_idxs argument can be slice e.g. 1:10 to take mean of patch attributes
- heart.seis_derivative: function to numerically calculate derivatives wrt source attributes for waveforms
-, allow for version control for fomosto backends through "version" argument at gf_config
- utility: functions for slice to string conversion and vice versa
- config; NonlinearGFConfig added version attribute to specify backend version to use for GF calculation
- plotting.marginals.traceplot: CDF plotting of multiple distributions in a single subplot marks quantiles only once
- plotting.marginals.traceplot: multipage output repeating variables
BEAT v1.2.1
Contributors: Hannes Vasyura-Bathke @hvasbath
- add calculation of coupling to derived variables at Fault for the summarize method
- plot_projection argument available for stage_posteriors plot: cdf, pdf, kde
- update Example 8 to showcase the use of this functionality
- stage_posterior plot supports multipage output, figsize fixed to fractions of A4
- multievent waveform_fits plot returns separate figures for each sub-event