iMessage-bot is a modularly designed & customizable chatbot engine intended for receiving, processing, and sending back text messages on Mac OS.
Written in Python, AppleScript, and NodeJS, iMessage-bot communicates with chat.db using a pandas SQL query to read the last received message in real-time.
Important: you must disable SIP on your machine in order to begin. This is because chat.db is a protected file on Mac OS.
In addition, in, add your registered iMessage email and phone number in the E.164 Format
iMessagePhone = "+15654445593"
To start processing text:
There are many other features included with my bot, such as:
song search and downloading via YouTube-DL -texting someone running the bot the word "song", followed by a song name will send back Youtube results in iMessage; subsequently, the recipient is prompted to send back a number index of the desired song, and receives a downloaded song back
image to text
- Images sent to the account running the bot are transcribed using open-source OCR using python's Pillow image processing library
- Command line interaction via text message
- iMessage-bot is designed to give you more power in your text messages through enabling command-line interaction through your text message system.
- In command process, 'ä' is the default character used to trigger command line interaction for text users. e.g. texting the bot
ä echo hello
will text back the word hello.
- File retrieval via text message
- Seamlessly communicate with your filesystem remotely by querying iMessage-bot via the aforementioned command-line interaction system.