The application is about Booking Tour website
, it helps end-user to review and book designed tours.
The code/ideas of the application are following from the Udemy course Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More
(author: Jonas Schmedtmann). (Note that: I am student of the course )
Programming language: Using Typescript is the main programming language at Back-end site, which is different from the original course.
Database: MongoDB, with database-driver is mongoose.
Rest-api framrwork: Express v4
View enginee:
template -
Payment gateway: Stripe
Testing framework and tool: Playwright
Bundling tool: Using Esbuild
Model folder is data-model of the business entities:
Controller folder is the business layer used to process logic of the application
Views folder is the presentation layer used to render the UI interface to user, it consists
files to HTML file -
Routes folder is the routing of the rest-api services.
Public folder is the folder containing static files as HTML/css/image files. It is used to integrated with the
Using Playwright as Testing framework to perform integration testing (black-box approach) and UI test.
All test specs are placed under
Playwright configuration is defined on file
To run the test
Start the API server for the corresponding environment:
npm run start:api:dev
Run the api test specs:
npm run test:api:dev
Run the UI test specs: TBD
Playwright test case design approach and how to use it
- The application is deployed into the Heroku
- Git clone my app
- Go to folder
and replace the DB information in filedevelopment.env
- To run at local:
- Run
npm run start:api:dev
to start api - Run
npm run watch:js:dev
to start bundling js/html/css for dev env. - Go to
to open web page.
- Data file is placed under
, run the apiPOST localhost:3001/api/v1/test-data/create-fixture
to seed data, then use the account info on fileusers.test.json
- To reduce the cost, the mail-service is used at Dev environment is
. For the PROD, please useGmail
service and following the setup in here
to know how to generate password