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API v1 Structures (Deprecated)

James Harris edited this page May 26, 2017 · 1 revision

This document lists the objects returned by API v1 methods.


Anime object

  • id
  • mal_id MyAnimeList ID.
  • slug
  • status Airing status.
    Can be one of Not Yet Aired, Currently Airing, Finished Airing.
  • url Link to the anime page at Hummingbird's website.
  • title Main title.
  • alternate_title Alternative title. Can be empty.
  • episode_count Total number of episodes.
  • episode_length Length of an episode in minutes.
  • cover_image URL to poster image.
  • synopsis Can be empty.
  • show_type Can be one of TV, Movie, OVA, ONA, Special, Music.
  • started_airing Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • finished_airing Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • community_rating Can be a number between 0.0 and 5.0.
  • age_rating Can be one of G, PG, PG13, R17+, R18+.
  • genres Array of genres.
  "id": 7622,
  "mal_id": 17265,
  "slug": "log-horizon",
  "status": "Finished Airing",
  "url": "",
  "title": "Log Horizon",
  "alternate_title": "",
  "episode_count": 25,
  "episode_length": 25,
  "cover_image": "",
  "synopsis": "The story begins when 30,000 Japanese gamers are trapped in the fantasy online game world Elder Tale. What was once a sword-and-sorcery world is now the real world. The main lead Shiroe attempts to survive with his old friend Naotsugu and the beautiful assassin Akatsuki.\r\n(Source: ANN)",
  "show_type": "TV",
  "started_airing": "2013-10-05",
  "finished_airing": "2014-03-22",
  "community_rating": 4.16741419054807,
  "age_rating": "PG13",
  "genres": [
    { "name": "Action" },
    { "name": "Adventure" },
    { "name": "Magic" },
    { "name": "Fantasy" },
    { "name": "Game" }

Library entry object

  • id (should be ignored)
  • episodes_watched Last watched episode number.
  • last_watched Date and time in ISO 8601 format.
  • updated_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format.
  • rewatched_times
  • notes Personal notes.
  • notes_present Boolean value that defines if notes is available.
  • status Watching status.
    Can be one of currently-watching, plan-to-watch, completed, on-hold, dropped.
  • private Boolean value that defines if the entry is hidden from public view.
  • rewatching Boolean value to set rewatching status.
  • anime Anime object.
  • rating Library entry rating object.
  "id": 5593549,
  "episodes_watched": 20,
  "last_watched": "2014-06-20T05:31:27.074Z",
  "updated_at": "2014-08-18T16:04:05.383Z",
  "rewatched_times": 0,
  "notes": "",
  "notes_present": false,
  "status": "currently-watching",
  "private": false,
  "rewatching": false,
  "anime": { *omitted* },
  "rating": { *omitted* }

Library entry rating object

  • type Can be one of simple, advanced.
  • value
    If type is simple, can be negative, neutral, positive.
    If type is advanced, can be a number between 0.0 and 5.0.
  "type": "advanced",
  "value": "4.0"

Ratings can be converted in the following manner:

simple advanced
negative [0, 2.4]
neutral (2.4, 3.6)
positive [3.6, 5]

Favorite object

  • id
  • user_id
  • item_id
  • item_type Can be Anime.
  • created_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format.
  • updated_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format.
  • fav_rank (should be ignored)
  "id": 87118,
  "user_id": 2516,
  "item_id": 3936,
  "item_type": "Anime",
  "created_at": "2014-04-25T11:50:34.831Z",
  "updated_at": "2014-04-25T11:50:34.831Z",
  "fav_rank": 9999

User object

  • name Username.
  • waifu The name of waifu/husbando.
  • waifu_or_husbando Can be one of Waifu, Husbando (in some cases, other values).
  • waifu_slug Slug of the anime waifu/husbando belongs to.
  • waifu_char_id Character ID.
  • location
  • website Website URL.
  • avatar Avatar URL (190x190 pixels).
  • cover_image Cover image URL (2800x660 pixels).
  • about (should be ignored)
  • bio About text.
  • karma (should be ignored)
  • life_spent_on_anime Time spent watching anime, in minutes.
  • show_adult_content Boolean value that defines if NSFW content is allowed.
  • title_language_preference Can be one of canonical, english, romanized.
  • last_library_update Date and time in ISO 8601 format.
  • online Boolean value that defines if the user is online at Hummingbird website.
  • following (should be ignored)
  • favorites Array of favorite objects.
  "name": "erengy",
  "waifu": "Taiga Aisaka",
  "waifu_or_husbando": "Waifu",
  "waifu_slug": "toradora",
  "waifu_char_id": "25930",
  "location": "",
  "website": "",
  "avatar": "",
  "cover_image": "",
  "about": null,
  "bio": "Hi.",
  "karma": 0,
  "life_spent_on_anime": 114520,
  "show_adult_content": true,
  "title_language_preference": "canonical",
  "last_library_update": "2014-06-21T19:28:00.443Z",
  "online": false,
  "following": false,
  "favorites": [ *omitted* ]

User object (mini)

  • name Username.
  • url URL to user profile page at Hummingbird.
  • avatar Avatar URL (190x190 pixels).
  • avatar_small Avatar URL (100x100 pixels).
  • nb (should be ignored)
  "name": "erengy",
  "url": "",
  "avatar": "",
  "avatar_small": "",
  "nb": false

Story object

  • id Story identifier.
  • story_type Can be one of comment, media_story.
  • user Mini user object.
  • updated_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format.
  • self_post Boolean value. Only available if story_type is comment.
  • poster Mini user object. Only available if story_type is comment.
  • media Anime object. Only available if story_type is media_story.
  • substories_count Total number of substories.
  • substories Array of substory objects.
  "id": 2640597,
  "story_type": "comment",
  "user": { *omitted* },
  "updated_at": "2014-06-21T10:37:36.730Z",
  "self_post": false,
  "poster": { *omitted* },
  "substories_count": 1,
  "substories": [ *omitted* ]

Substory object

  • id
  • substory_type
    Can be one of comment, followed, watched_episode, watchlist_status_update.
  • created_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format.
  • comment Only available if substory_type is comment.
  • episode_number Only available if substory_type is watched_episode.
  • followed_user Mini user object. Only available if substory_type is followed.
  • new_status Only available if substory_type is watchlist_status_update.
    Can be one of currently-watching, plan-to-watch, completed, on-hold, dropped.
  • service (should be ignored) Only available if substory_type is watched_episode.
  • permissions (should be ignored)
  "id": 6590163,
  "substory_type": "watched_episode",
  "created_at": "2014-06-23T21:25:49.084Z",
  "episode_number": "12",
  "service": null,
  "permissions": {}