A humilis plug-in layer that deploys a custom Cloudformation (CF) resource that can be used to decrypt secrets that are embedded in CF templates.
CREDIT: All credit goes to Casecommons lambda-cfn-kms. This
repo is just the result of bundling the lambda-cfn-kms
repository as a humilis
pip install humilis-decrypt
To install the development version:
pip install git+https://github.com/humilis/humilis-decrypt
Assuming you have virtualenv installed:
make develop
Configure humilis:
make configure
First create the Lambda function that backs the custom resource:
make create
The deployment will produce two artifacts:
- The ID of the KMS key associated with the custom resource.
- The ARN of the deployed Lambda function.
You can use the KMS key ID to encrypt your secrets locally, e.g. assuming you want to encrypt the dummy DB password dummy
with key 3ea941bf-ee54-4941-8f77-f1dd417667cd
aws kms encrypt --key-id 3ea941bf-ee54-4941-8f77-f1dd417667cd --plaintext 'dummy'
The output will be something like this:
"CiphertextBlob": "AQICAHi2zdvZYfUQOQV8yX/HLdcIMqHHkubAYAei2Qo498KheQFDELPYHds8169cc9EqggEuAAAAZjBkBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagVzBVAgEAMFAGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQM+gDfP3DDVgbFYNidAgEQgCMrz1beR+s0XqWTVIuCbJ+E/cC7sqUzmPEB0weOhQ3GOE65rg==",
"KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:XXXXX:key/a86x4dd8-6b8e-41ce-aa65-4aa370d9ccbf"
Whenever you want to use your secret in a CF template you would do something like this:
Type: "Custom::KMSDecrypt"
ServiceToken: <lambda_function_arn>
Ciphertext: "AQICAHi2zdvZYfUQOQV8yX/HLdcIMqHHkubAYAei2Qo498KheQFDELPYHds8169cc9EqggEuAAAAZjBkBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagVzBVAgEAMFAGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQM+gDfP3DDVgbFYNidAgEQgCMrz1beR+s0XqWTVIuCbJ+E/cC7sqUzmPEB0weOhQ3GOE65rg=="
Type: "AWS::RDS::DBInstance"
AllocatedStorage: "20"
DBInstanceClass: "db.m1.small"
Engine: "MySQL"
EngineVersion: "5.5"
MasterUsername: "admin"
Fn::Sub: ${DbPasswordDecrypt.Plaintext}
where you will need to replace <lambda_function_arn>
with the ARN of the Lambda function that backs the custom CF resource that implements the decryption logic.
See humilis documentation.
If you have questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. please create an issue on the GitHub project page.
See the original license in the lambda-cfn-kms repository.