- Vagrant (https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/installation/)
- VirtualBox v5.1 (https://www.virtualbox.org/)
- You must have two-factor authentication switched on your Instagram account
- Git clone to a directory
- Navigate to that directory and run 'vagrant up'
- SSH into the newly created Vagrant Box by running 'vagrant ssh' and navigate to 'cd /var/www/public'
- Run 'composer update && composer install'
- Navigate to installation directory and run 'vagrant ssh'
- Navigate to 'cd /var/www/public' and run...
- Run 'php scLive setup' followed by your username and password
- Run 'php scLive login'
php scLive stream:start
Commands When Live
- -stop : Stops the stream
- -pin : Add to the end of a comment to pin
- -unpin : Unpins any pinned comments
php scLive getquestions
- --list : Lists all responses