Spree Showcase is a simple extension that allows you to create the good ol' slideshow. The goal is to create a slideshow extension that makes things easy for the users and programmers. Minimal effort needed.
The secondary objective is to create a slideshow template that allows most types of JS slider to be implemented easily into Spree.
Currently, this is the first iteration of the slideshow extension at v0.5.2. Contributors are greatly welcomed =)
Next to come:
- Adding sliders to different layout positions
- Enabling more options to be customized in the Admin Menu
Get a clean Spree Installation
rails new spree_demo
cd spree_demo
spree install
In Gemfile
gem 'spree_showcase' # Ruby Gems
After That
bundle install
rails g spree_showcase:install
Remember to run rake assets:clean
, otherwise the javascript library might not be loaded.
Supports Spree 1.1 and 1.3
The default Deface override is automatically added to your Project in
This default override acts to add the Showcase slide show to the main spree_application_home layout, at the top of the #wrapper div.
To change where the slide show appears, simply edit this Deface override in add_showcase_to_home_layout.
For example to add it to a home page at top of div id main-slideshow :
:virtual_path => 'spree/home/index',
:name => 'add_spree_slider_to_home_index',
:insert_top => "#main-slideshow",
:partial => "spree/slides/showcase.html.erb"
No tests have been done yet. Use at your own risk!
Copyright (c) 2012 Damon Aw, released under the New BSD License. [What is the BSD license anyway?]