This repository contains the source code to replicate key results from the following paper paper:
A major human white-matter pathway between dorsal and ventral visual cortex. by Takemura, H., Rokem, A., Winawer, J., Yeatman, J. D., Wandell, B. A. & Pestilli, F. Cerebral Cortex, 26(5), 2205-2214.
Required operating enviroment
Matlab 2012b. The code probably runs on earlier versions, but we have not checked extensively.
The code also requires three toolboxes you can download freely:
vistasoft (Wandell Lab., Stanford)
LIFE (Franco Pestilli, Indiana University)
MBA (Franco Pestilli, Indiana University)
AFQ (Jason D. Yeatman, Stanford)
All of this software must be on your path.
If you use this software please cite the article above.
Copyright (c) Hiromasa Takemura, Stanford VISTA Team, 2013