This directory hosts functions and scripts to identify human Stratum proprium of interparietal sulcus. In the future, this repository will be finally merged into AFQ repository (https://github.com/yeatmanlab/AFQ).
MATLAB Functions:
AFQ_findSIPS: Code to identify human stratum proprium interparietal sulcus (SIPS).
SIPS_convertROI: Code to prepare ROI files for SIPS identification
dtiSegmentFiberWithNitiRoi: Function to segment tract using niftiROI as a reference.
ProbAtlas: Probabilistic atlas of human SIPS from 100 subjects in MNI152 space
Documentation: https://github.com/vistalab/vistasoft/wiki/Identify-human-Stratum-Proprium-of-Interparietal-Sulcus
Dependency: vistasoft: https://github.com/vistalab/vistasoft
mba: https://github.com/francopestilli/mba
If you use this code for your own study, please cite following article as a reference:
Uesaki, M., Takemura, H. & Ashida, H. (2018) Computational neuroanatomy of human stratum proprium of interparietal sulcus. Brain Structure and Function, 223(1), 489-507.