I'm Xiaolin Hu, pursuing Ph.D. at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence , Renmin University of China. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yong Liu. Previously, I received my B.E. and M.E. degrees in communication and information system from Shanghai University in 2018 and 2021, respectively. I worked with Prof. Nicholas E. Buris in the Intelligent Multi-Input Multi-Output Systems(i-MIMOs) research group from 2018 to 2021. I was an Intern Researcher at OPPO Research Institute from October 2020 to February 2021.
I am currently bridging large language models(LLMs) and the next-generation of intelligent personal computing platforms. Toward my vision of building a human-centered application ecosystem based on the fundation models, I am broadly interested in the following topics:
(1) Science driven tuning: to pursue scientific principles behind optimization of LLMs and use them to guide human-centerd personal model development.
(2) LLMs for Edge Devices: to study efficient method for deploying LLMs on edge devices and the communication challenges arising from large-scale agents.
I won the Shanghai University President Scholarship (The highest honor among the scholarships at Shanghai University).
- Personal Pages: https://www.xiaolinhu.art (updated recentlyπ₯)
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/xiaolin-hu-21429019b
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6CSzbVEAAAAJ&hl
- 2023.03: Prof. Yong Liu presents our paper on generalization error of gederated leanring at AI TIME [Video].
- 2023.03: I attend the 2023 Workshop on Machine Learning Theory and Foundations, Microsoft Research Asia.
- 2023.03: I Write a blog on statistical learning theory to AI4Science Community. See in AI4Science101 blogs.
- 2023.01: One paper is accepted by ICLR!
My full paper list is shown at my personal homepage.
ICLR 2023
Generalization Bounds for Federated Learning: Fast Rates, Unparticipating Clients and Unbounded Losses Xiaolin Hu, Shaojie Li, Yong Liu, Video
APMC 2020
A Deep Learning Framework for Solving Rectangular Waveguide Problems Xiaolin Hu, Nicholas E. Buri, (Oral) | -
APMC 2019
Capacity Estimation of MIMO Systems via Support Vector Regression Xiaolin Hu, Nicholas E. Buri, (Oral) -
APMC 2020
Multiple Signal DoA Estimation with Unknown Electromagnetic Coupling using Gaussian Process Qifeng Wang, Nicholas E. Buris, Xiaolin Hu, APMC 2020
ICIP 2021
3D Grid Transformation Network For Point Cloud Completion Xiaobao Deng, Xiaolin Hu, Nicholas E. Buris, Ping An, Yilei Chen
- Wavelength-tunable Q-switched fiber laser based on a 45 tilted fiber grating Xiaolin Hu, Zhijun Yan, Qianqian Huang, Chuanhang Zou, Tianxing Wang, Chengbo Mou, Opto-Electronic Engineering 2018