- python3.x
- pytorch
- torchvision to load the datasets, perform image transforms
- pandas for logging to csv
- bokeh for training visualization
- scikit-learn for kmeans clustering To install requirements run:
pip install torch torchvision bokeh pandas sklearn
- To run this code you need validation set from ILSVRC2012 data
- Configure your dataset path by providing --data "PATH_TO_ILSVRC" or copy ILSVRC dir to ~/datasets/ILSVRC2012.
- To get the ILSVRC2012 data, you should register on their site for access: http://www.image-net.org/
To improve performance GEMMLOWP quantization was implemented in cuda and requires to compile kernels.
- Create virtual environment for python3 and activate:
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 venv3
. ./venv3/bin/activate
- build kernels
cd kernels
We use a profiling data-set of approximately 256 images sampled from the training-set to collect statistics of activations at offline time. These are needed later to calculate the scale/clipping value of each activation tenor.
# Collect per layer statistics
python inference/inference_sim.py -a resnet50 -b 256 -sm collect -ac --qtype int4
# Collect per output channel statistics
python inference/inference_sim.py -a resnet50 -b 256 -sm collect -ac --qtype int4 -pcq_a
Statistics will be saved under ~/mxt_sim/statistics folder.
python pytorch_quantizer/quantization/kmeans_quantization.py -a resnet50 -bits 4 -t quantize
Quantized model will be saved to ~/mxt_sim/models
Post-training quantization of Res50 to 8-bit weights and 4-bit activations using the suggested quantization pipeline:
python inference/inference_sim.py -a resnet50 -b 512 -sm use --qtype int4 -pcq_w -pcq_a -c laplace
* Prec@1 74.114 Prec@5 91.904
Post-training quantization of Res50 to 4-bit weights and 8-bit activations using kmeans clustering:
python inference/inference_sim.py -a resnet50 -b 512 -sm use --qtype int8 -qm 4 -qw f32
* Prec@1 74.242 Prec@5 91.764
Post-training quantization of Res50 to 4-bit weights and 4-bit activations using the suggested quantization pipeline:
python inference/inference_sim.py -a resnet50 -b 512 -sm use --qtype int4 -pcq_w -pcq_a -c laplace -qm 4 -qw f32
* Prec@1 72.182 Prec@5 90.634
- Note that results could vary due to randomization of statistic gathering and kmeans initialization.
To find optimal clipping values for the Laplace/Gaussian case, we numerically solve Equations (12)/ (A4)
Gaussian case, linear dependency
In order to quantize tensor to M bit with optimal clipping we use GEMMLOWP quantization with small modification. We replace dynamic range in scale computation by 2*alpha where alpha is optimal clipping value.
Quantization code can be found here: int_quantizer.py