A Python script for creating a personalized recycling calendar using the Recycle! API. Only works for Belgian addresses.
- Install Python dependencies (see requirements.txt)
- Execute
python main.py
in a terminal and follow the prompts - Import the resulting calendar file (ics) in your favorite calendar application
Alternatively, you can use the Makefile: make install-deps && make run
- Start the Docker container by executing
docker-compose run --rm belgian_recycle_calendar_creator
and follow the prompts - Import the resulting calendar file (ics) in your favorite calendar application
Alternatively, you can use the Makefile: make run-docker
- Download the Unix executable and give it permission to execute using
chmod +x ./be_recycle_calendar
- Execute
in a Unix terminal (macOS and Linux) and follow the prompts - Import the resulting calendar file (ics) in your favorite calendar application
Windows executables are currently not supported.
- Install PyInstaller using
pip install pyinstaller
- Build the executable using
pyinstaller -F --add-data=config.json:. -n "be_recycle_calendar" main.py
- Python 3.7 or higher