Technical report for the demonstration of a human-humanoid collaboration activity for the Open Days at The University of Birmingham PDF
The contribution for this work of Miguel Xochicale, MX, [@mxochicale] , Dinghuang Zhang, DZ, [@DylanZhangzzz] , and Professor Christopher Baber, CB, [website] is as follows:
- Conceptualisation: CB, DZ, MX
- Data Curation: MX
- Formal Analysis: MX
- Funding Acquisition: CB
- Investigation: MX
- Methodology: MX
- Project Administration: CB, MX
- Resources: CB
- Software: DZ, MX
- Supervision: CB, MX
- Validation: MX
- Verification: MX
- Writing - Original Draft Preparation: CB, DZ
- Writing - Review: CB, DZ, MX
- Writing - Editing: CB, DZ, MX