Database backend for university site. Project is based on SQLAlchemy and GraphQL (strawberry federated).
This project contains only SQLAlchemy models and GraphQL endpoint to provide data from the postgres database running in separate container. To successfully start this application you need to have a running postgres database (for instance in docker container).
There are two supported ways to start the application:
Start the app without the docker
- is quite complicated as it is part of federation API, prefer use in docker
- you need to have running postgres database which is ready to use
- change the ComposeConnectionString inner constants in to your postgres address (see used pattern)
- to start the app outside of docker use the following command: uvicorn main:app --reload
- after application startup you can access the graphQL UI on ip given by uvicorn - remember to add /gql (example:
- by default the app creates some random database after every startup (not all tables are populated with data)
Start the app inside the docker using docker-compose.yml (recommended)
to start the app as a docker container you first need to create the gql_core image - to do this use following command: docker build -t gql_core .
this image contains our solution with SQLAlchemy models and GraphQL endpoint
(optional) you can run the container standalone on any port you want by using: docker run -p your_port:8001 gql_core
use docker-compose.yml file to set up postgres database and gql_core using this command: docker-compose up
docker will use given compose file to create two containers (isdatabase_gql_entry_point and isdatabase_database)
gql_entry_point is based on the gql_core image and provides the GraphQL endpoint (contains all our code)
database container is based on postgres 13.2 image and provides a database (image will be downloaded if necessary)
postgres is automatically set up by docker-compose.yml - there you can edit variables such as database name, username and password - these will be used by gql to acess the database
these two containers are able to exchange data between each other on closed docker network
only gql endpoint is available for other device outside of docker network - to access the GraphQL UI open http://localhost:82/gql on your device
in this version of our project the database is populated with random data (not all databse is populated - for testing purposes only)
uvicorn main:app --env-file environment.txt --port 8001
pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=src --log-cli-level=INFO -x