Complete v1.0
Install and complete setup Ngrok
Signup Firebase account and setup Firebase Storage and Firebase Database
Download database secret key json file from Firebase<
Put json in all /Firebase_cred
to modifiy json location
Run from /GUI/
1: Double clicks any of the documents in any categories and open up an editor window
2: Click the complaint
button in the editor to send complaint to SU
3: Click the Suggestion Taboo
button in the editor to send suggestion taboo to SU
4: Click the History
button in the editor to view all the history of the current document and double clicks any version to view the change
5: Click the sign up
button on the left bottom corner to apply to be OU, need to wait for
SU to approval. Follow the same step as the Sign Up GUI above
Similar window to GU and functionalities, but OU has a section for his/her document list
1: Able to search oher OU information based on his/her name
2: Able to search within own documents by enter a keyword and return a list of the documents contains the keyword
3: Click the New Document
button to create a new document and open an editor window
Once enter the name of the document and the context, OU can click
button to save the document
Or just close the window after finished editing, auto-save feature will save your document
If the document is already in the database,
button will becomelock
based on the document's current status. User can lock he's own file to prevent unauthorized changes.
4: Inside of the eiditor window, OU can click the shared
button to change the type of the document to public, private, and access only through share
5: In the OU main window, user can view the invitation from other OU, he/she can either accept the inviation or decline the inviation
- once the inviation is accepted, he/she can view the documents by clicking connect
in the invitation
tab to open the document and perform realtime editing
SU has all the functionalities from GU and OU, it can maintain the whole system
For empty database, first create a user with username:
[email protected]
with password:csc322
to become a SU
Taboo Word List
tab, SU can accept suggested taboo words or delete the current effective taboo words -
GU Application
tab, SU can see all the GU's applications to either approve or reject their application to become OU -
tab, SU can have a list of all users' complaints, after complaints is resolve, clickresolve
button to dismiss a complaint -
Locked Document
tab, SU can unlock a locked file -
tab is the SU's own document editing page, which is same as OU's main page
KaiHang Chen
Haoran He
JinFeng Lin
YanFeng Lin