A shell script to install Joomla directly from the command line.
- Collect user inputs like Joomla version, installation directory etc.
- Get the Joomla you wished from the offical gitHub repository.
- Create installation directory where the installation should be placed.
- Unzip Joomla.
- Add jinstaller.sql a sql with custom querys to default joomla joomla.sql.
- You can place your own sql querys to the jinstaller.sql which should be executed during installtion.
- By default create SuperUser with Super user ACL is placed there.
- Collect user inputs like database host, username, password, prefixe etc.
- Installation Process for Database.
- Set and place configuration.php.
- Remove installation folder.
config.cfg (Setup your own web directory path there)
jinstaller.sql (Setup your querys which should be executed during the sql installtion)
NOTE: Change the default SuperUser login details at jinstaller.sql. The default username is admin and the password ist adminpwd
Just download and unzip this files to your servers shell script folder e.g. /bin etc..
Setup the config.cfg.
Adjust the jinstaller.sql
And run the script
sh jinstaller.sh
That's all ;)
DD_ stands for Didldu e.K. | HR IT-Solutions (Brand recognition)
It is a namespace prefix, provided to avoid element name conflicts.
Author: Didldu e.K. Florian Häusler https://www.hr-it-solution.com
Copyright: (C) 2011 - 2017 Didldu e.K. | HR IT-Solutions
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPLv2 only