v0.6 Usability improvements
Deployed to production 8th June 2017.
Extract of changes:
- When not logged in and a deep link is followed (e.g. from an email), users are now redirected to the originally requested page after login
- Time sheets can be 'archived', indicating that they were handed in externally in paper form
- On the dashboard, the notification widget is smaller and at the top of the page. Notifications of the current day are highlighted for better visibility
- A time sheet's detail page now includes a link back to the corresponding contract
- Added HPI favicon for prettier bookmarks
- Option to enable / disable all email notifications
- Navbar is now fully responsive and correctly shows the 'burger menu' on smaller screen sizes
- Empty sidebars are no longer displayed
- Icons for navbar entries 💯
All commits: v0.5...v0.6
All tickets: RC6 Milestone