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hacky correlation
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JoeAtHPI committed Mar 26, 2024
1 parent b5fc834 commit c88021b
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Showing 9 changed files with 375 additions and 44 deletions.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
Class {
#name : #SBCorrelationCluster,
#superclass : #SBCluster,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
SBCorrelationCluster class >> newForSize: aSBMorphResizer multiverse: aMultiverse example: anExample watch: aWatch basePermutation: base opponentPermutations: opponent [

^ self new
morphResizer: aSBMorphResizer;
multiverse: aMultiverse;
displayedExample: anExample;
displayedWatch: aWatch;
basePermutation: base;
opponentPermutations: opponent;

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> basePermutation [

^ basePermutation

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> basePermutation: aSBPermutation [

basePermutation := aSBPermutation

{ #category : #building }
SBCorrelationCluster >> buildDisplayMatrix [

| matrix |

matrix := Matrix
rows: 2
columns: self opponentPermutations size + 1.

matrix atRow: 1 put: ({TextMorph new contents: self basePermutation asVariantString},
(self extractedTopHeadingsFrom: self opponentPermutations)).

matrix at: 2 at: 1 put: (SBPermutationLabel newDisplaying: self basePermutation).

self extractRow withIndexDo: [:aCellMorph :column | matrix at: 2 at: column+1 put: aCellMorph].

^ matrix

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> displayedExample [

^ displayedExample

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> displayedExample: aSBExample [

displayedExample := aSBExample

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> displayedWatch [

^ displayedWatch

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> displayedWatch: anSBExampleWatch [

displayedWatch := anSBExampleWatch

{ #category : #building }
SBCorrelationCluster >> extractRow [

^ self multiverse universes
select: [:aUniverse | (aUniverse activePermutation contains: self basePermutation)]
thenCollect: [:aUniverse | | display |
display := ((aUniverse watches detect: [:aWatch | aWatch originalIdentifier = self displayedWatch identifier])
exampleToDisplay at: self displayedExample) value display.
self compressedMorphsForDisplay: display]

{ #category : #building }
SBCorrelationCluster >> extractedLeftHeadingsFrom: aCollectionOfPermutations [

^ aCollectionOfPermutations collect: [:aPermutation | SBPermutationLabel newDisplaying: aPermutation]

{ #category : #building }
SBCorrelationCluster >> extractedTopHeadingsFrom: aCollectionOfPermutations [

^ aCollectionOfPermutations collect: [:aPermutation |
aPermutation isNilPermutation
ifTrue: [StringMorph new contents: ' / ']
ifFalse: [SBPermutationLabel newDisplaying: aPermutation]]

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> multiverse [

^ multiverse

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> multiverse: aSBMultiverse [

multiverse := aSBMultiverse

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> opponentPermutations [

^ opponentPermutations

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationCluster >> opponentPermutations: aCollectionOfSBPermutations [

opponentPermutations := aCollectionOfSBPermutations
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
Class {
#name : #SBCorrelationView,
#superclass : #SBResizableResultsView,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationView >> basePermutations [
^ basePermutations

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCorrelationView >> basePermutations: anObject [
basePermutations := anObject

{ #category : #building }
SBCorrelationView >> buildAllPossibleResults [

| base thisVariant |
self multiverse activeExamples
ifEmpty: [gridContainer addMorph: (TextMorph new contents: 'No examples active').
gridContainer width: gridContainer firstSubmorph width + 5 "a bit of margin"].

thisVariant := self multiverse universes first activePermutation referencedVariants third.
base := SBPermutation new referencedVariants: (self multiverse universes first activePermutation referencedVariants select: [:var | var = thisVariant]).
self multiverse universes first activePermutation associationsDo: [:idToNum | idToNum key = thisVariant id ifTrue: [base add: idToNum]].
self halt.
self basePermutations: {base}.

self multiverse activeExamples do: [:anExample |
self multiverse watches do: [:aWatch |
self buildForExample: anExample watching: aWatch]]

{ #category : #building }
SBCorrelationView >> buildForExample: anExample watching: aWatch [

gridContainer addMorphBack: (self containerRow cellPositioning: #center;
addAllMorphsBack: {
self containerRow listDirection: #topToBottom;
addAllMorphsBack: {
SBOwnTextMorph new contents: (
'{1}, {2}' format: {anExample label.
(aWatch cleanedExpression sourceString)}).
self buildGridsFor: anExample watching: aWatch} flatten})

{ #category : #building }
SBCorrelationView >> buildGridsFor: anExample watching: aWatch [

^ (self basePermutations collect: [:aBasePermutation | | split |
split := self getAllUniversesContainingPermutation: aBasePermutation.
newForSize: self selectedResizer
multiverse: self multiverse
example: anExample
watch: aWatch
basePermutation: aBasePermutation
opponentPermutations: split first },
(split second collect: [:nonContainingPermutation |
newForSize: self selectedResizer
multiverse: self multiverse
example: anExample
watch: aWatch
basePermutation: nonContainingPermutation
opponentPermutations: {SBNilPermutation new referencedVariants: {}}])
]) flatten


{ #category : #building }
SBCorrelationView >> getAllUniversesContainingPermutation: aPermutation [

| containsBase rest |
containsBase := OrderedCollection new.
rest := OrderedCollection new.

self multiverse universes do: [:aUniverse |
((aUniverse activePermutation contains: aPermutation))
ifTrue: [containsBase add: (aUniverse activePermutation copyRemoving: {aPermutation}) ]
ifFalse: [rest add: aUniverse activePermutation]].

^ {containsBase reject: [:aContainingPermutation | aContainingPermutation = aPermutation].
rest ifEmpty: [{SBNilPermutation new referencedVariants: {}}]}

{ #category : #initialization }
SBCorrelationView >> initialize [

super initialize.

self name: 'Correlation'.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ SBCustomView >> viewClasses [

^ {SBPermutationGridsView.

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ SBExampleWatch >> asInactiveCopy [
| copy |
copy := SBInactiveExampleWatch new
originalIdentifier: self identifier;
expression: (SBTextBubble new contents: self cleanedExpression sourceString);
modifyExpression: self modifyExpression veryDeepCopy;
dimensionOptions: self dimensionOptions veryDeepCopy.
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ Does not update its results anymore. Applying modification expressions is still
Class {
#name : #SBInactiveExampleWatch,
#superclass : #SBExampleWatch,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,6 +56,18 @@ SBInactiveExampleWatch >> listensToExamples [
^ false

{ #category : #accessing }
SBInactiveExampleWatch >> originalIdentifier [

^ originalIdentifier

{ #category : #accessing }
SBInactiveExampleWatch >> originalIdentifier: aNumber [

originalIdentifier := aNumber

{ #category : #'*Sandblocks-Babylonian' }
SBInactiveExampleWatch >> saveObjectsActivePermutations [

Expand Down
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
Class {
#name : #SBResizableResultsView,
#superclass : #SBGridResultsView,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

{ #category : #actions }
SBResizableResultsView >> applyResizer [

self visualize.
self multiverse sandblockEditor markSaved: SBExploriants uniqueInstance

{ #category : #building }
SBResizableResultsView >> buildDimensionOptions [

| options |
options := SBMorphResizer standardOptions.

^ SBComboBox new
prefix: 'Image Dimensions: ';
labels: (options collect: #label);
values: options;
object: options third;
when: #selectionChanged send: #applyResizer to: self

{ #category : #initialization }
SBResizableResultsView >> initialize [

super initialize.

dimensionOptions := self buildDimensionOptions

{ #category : #accessing }
SBResizableResultsView >> selectedResizer [

^ dimensionOptions object

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
SBResizableResultsView >> visualize [

self clean.

self block addMorph: dimensionOptions.
self buildButtonRow.

self buildAllPossibleResults .
self concludeContainerWidth.

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