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Merge pull request #136 from hpi-swa/feature/live-view
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Live View of Permutations
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tom95 authored Dec 15, 2023
2 parents cf996a7 + 5a05c67 commit 6b308d7
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Showing 12 changed files with 527 additions and 18 deletions.
21 changes: 19 additions & 2 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,22 @@ Class {
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

{ #category : #nil }
SBDiffTabView >> addButton [

^ SBButton new
icon: (SBIcon iconPlus
size: 7.0 sbScaled;
color: (Color green))
do: [self addTab];
cornerStyle: #squared;
vResizing: #spaceFill;
balloonText: 'Add';
cellGap: -1.0 sbScaled;
layoutInset: (4.0 @ 4.0) sbScaled

{ #category : #callbacks }
SBDiffTabView >> artefactSaved: aMethodBlock [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,13 +70,14 @@ SBDiffTabView >> buildView [
SBDiffTabView >> diffButton [

^ SBButton new
icon: (SBIcon iconCodeFork size: 12.0 sbScaled)
icon: (SBIcon iconCodeFork size: 12.0)
do: [self toggleDiffView];
balloonText: 'Toggle diff to others';
vResizing: #spaceFill;
cornerStyle: #squared;
cellGap: -1.0 sbScaled;
layoutInset: (4.0 @ 3.0) sbScaled
layoutInset: (4.0 @ 3.0)

{ #category : #diffing }
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ SBExampleGridsView >> buildExampleFor: aNumber [

{ #category : #updating }
SBExampleGridsView >> gridObjects [
SBExampleGridsView >> gridSize [

^ self multiverse activeExamples
^ self multiverse activeExamples size

{ #category : #initialization }
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,43 @@ SBExploriants >> = other [
^ self class = other class

{ #category : #'ast helpers' }
SBExploriants >> binding: aString for: block class: aClass ifPresent: aBlock [

"See SBStContainer >> binding: for: class: ifPresent: "
| outer |
Symbol hasInterned: aString ifTrue: [:sym | | binding |
binding := aClass bindingOf: sym environment: UndefinedObject environment.
binding ifNotNil: [^ aBlock value: ((SBStName poolDeclaration: aString binding: binding) binding: binding)]].

outer := self outerArtefact.
(outer notNil and: [outer isSmalltalk]) ifTrue: [^ self outerArtefact binding: aString for: block class: aClass ifPresent: aBlock].

^ nil

{ #category : #ui }
SBExploriants >> buildView [

self addMorphBack: (self activeBlock hResizing: #shrinkWrap)

{ #category : #testing }
SBExploriants >> cacheType: aClass for: aBlock [

{ #category : #testing }
SBExploriants >> evaluationContext [

^ nil

{ #category : #testing }
SBExploriants >> evaluationReceiver [

^ self object

{ #category : #initialization }
SBExploriants >> initialize [

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ SBExploriantsView class >> block: aSBBlock named: aString [
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
SBExploriantsView class >> getTabsInMultiverse: aSBMultiverse [

^ {SBPermutationGridsView. SBExampleGridsView. SBPlainResultsView. SBVariantsView}
^ {SBPermutationGridsView. SBExampleGridsView. SBPlainResultsView. SBLiveView. SBVariantsView}
collect: [:mySubclass | mySubclass newMultiverse: aSBMultiverse]

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ SBGridResultsView >> clean [

{ #category : #updating }
SBGridResultsView >> gridObjects [
SBGridResultsView >> gridSize [

self subclassResponsibility
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ SBGridResultsView >> newGridContainer [
SBGridResultsView >> updateContainerWidth [

gridContainer width:
self gridObjects size safeSquareRoot ceiling
self gridSize safeSquareRoot ceiling
* (gridContainer lastSubmorph fullBounds width
+ (2 * gridContainer cellInset)
+ (2 * gridContainer cellGap)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ SBInactiveExampleWatch >> saveObjectsActivePermutations [
"Force morphs to persist their permutation even when on the UI process"
exampleToDisplay associationsDo: [:anExampleDisplayPair |
anExampleDisplayPair value displayedWatchValueBlocks do: [:aValueMorph |
SBExploriants objectToPermutation
at: aValueMorph lastSubmorph
put: SBActiveVariantPermutation value]].
aValueMorph lastSubmorph allMorphsDo: [:aSubMorph |
SBExploriants objectToPermutation
at: aSubMorph
put: SBActiveVariantPermutation value]]].
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ SBInactiveExampleWatch >> saveObjectsActivePermutations [
"Force morphs to persist their permutation even when on the UI process"
exampleToDisplay associationsDo: [:anExampleDisplayPair |
anExampleDisplayPair value displayedWatchValueBlocks do: [:aValueMorph |
SBExploriants objectToPermutation
at: aValueMorph lastSubmorph
put: SBActiveVariantPermutation value]].
aValueMorph lastSubmorph allMorphsDo: [:aSubMorph |
SBExploriants objectToPermutation
at: aSubMorph
put: SBActiveVariantPermutation value]]].
203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
Class {
#name : #SBInputBroadcaster,
#superclass : #SBBlock,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

{ #category : #input }
SBInputBroadcaster >> absorbsInput: anEvent [

^ true

{ #category : #accessing }
SBInputBroadcaster >> addListener: aMorph [

self listeners add: aMorph.
self mice add: CircleMorph newPin hide.
self stateHands add: HandMorph new.

"adding mice as our own morphs will cause rattling"
self containers add: (Morph new
color: Color transparent;
extent: aMorph extent;
setProperty: #sbListener toValue: aMorph;
self containers last addAllMorphsBack: {mice last. aMorph.}.

^ self containers last


{ #category : #accessing }
SBInputBroadcaster >> containers [

^ miceContainers

{ #category : #events }
SBInputBroadcaster >> eventProcessMouse: aMouse goingTo: aPosition in: aMorph [

aMouse position: aPosition.
(aMorph containsPoint: aPosition)
ifTrue: [aMouse show]
ifFalse: [aMouse hide]

{ #category : #events }
SBInputBroadcaster >> filterEvent: anEvent for: aMorph [

self listeners withIndexDo: [:aListener :i |
| localTarget newEvent delta |
localTarget := self translatedPositionOf: anEvent from: aMorph to: aListener.
delta := localTarget - anEvent position.
newEvent := anEvent copy translateBy: delta.

(self needsHandHandling: newEvent)
ifTrue: [
self simulateGlobalHand: (self stateHands at: i)
for: newEvent
in: aListener
pos: self activeHand position + delta.]
ifFalse: [aListener processEvent: newEvent.].

self eventProcessMouse: (self mice at: i)
goingTo: localTarget
in: aListener.].

^ anEvent

{ #category : #'events-processing' }
SBInputBroadcaster >> handleMouseOver: anEvent [

super handleMouseOver: anEvent.
anEvent hand newKeyboardFocus: self.
self sandblockEditor selectNoInput: self.

{ #category : #'event handling' }
SBInputBroadcaster >> handlesKeyboard: evt [

^ true


{ #category : #initialization }
SBInputBroadcaster >> initialize [

super initialize.

listeners := OrderedCollection new.
mice := OrderedCollection new.
miceContainers := OrderedCollection new.
stateHands := OrderedCollection new.

addEventCaptureFilter: self;
addKeyboardCaptureFilter: self;
addMouseCaptureFilter: self;
canDrag: false;
color: Color veryLightGray


{ #category : #accessing }
SBInputBroadcaster >> insertListener: aListener into: aContainer [

| index |
index := self containers indexOf: aContainer ifAbsent: [^ self].

(self containers at: index)
addMorphBack: aListener;
extent: aListener extent;
setProperty: #sbListener toValue: aListener.

aListener topLeft: (self containers at: index) topLeft.
self listeners at: index put: aListener.


{ #category : #accessing }
SBInputBroadcaster >> listeners [

^ listeners

{ #category : #accessing }
SBInputBroadcaster >> mice [

^ mice

{ #category : #'events-processing' }
SBInputBroadcaster >> mouseEnter: anEvent [

super mouseEnter: anEvent.
anEvent hand newKeyboardFocus: self.

{ #category : #events }
SBInputBroadcaster >> needsHandHandling: anEvent [

^ anEvent isMouse
and: [anEvent isMouseDown or: [anEvent isMouseUp]]
and: [(SBPreferences rightClickContextMenu and: [anEvent yellowButtonPressed]) not]

{ #category : #accessing }
SBInputBroadcaster >> replaceListener: oldListener with: newListener [

| index |
index := self listeners indexOf: oldListener ifAbsent: [^ self].

(self containers at: index)
replaceSubmorph: (self listeners at: index)
by: newListener;
extent: newListener extent;
setProperty: #sbListener toValue: newListener.
self listeners at: index put: newListener.

{ #category : #events }
SBInputBroadcaster >> simulateGlobalHand: aHand for: anEvent in: aMorph pos: aPosition [

aMorph owner ifNotNil: [:theOwner | theOwner addMorphBack: aHand].

position: aPosition;
setHand: aHand.
aHand handleEvent: anEvent.

aHand delete.

{ #category : #accessing }
SBInputBroadcaster >> stateHands [

^ stateHands

{ #category : #events }
SBInputBroadcaster >> translatedPositionOf: anEvent from: anOriginMorph to: aTargetMorph [

| localAbsPoint localRelPoint targetAbsPoint |
localAbsPoint := anEvent position - anOriginMorph position.
localRelPoint := localAbsPoint / anOriginMorph extent.
localRelPoint := (localRelPoint x clampLow: 0 high: 1)@(localRelPoint y clampLow: 0 high: 1).
targetAbsPoint := (localRelPoint * aTargetMorph extent) + aTargetMorph position.

^ targetAbsPoint rounded

{ #category : #'event handling' }
SBInputBroadcaster >> wantsKeyboardFocus [

^ true

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