Get average euler number from freesurfer directory. A measure of image quality. Works on python 3.7.6
A script for measuring the anterior-posterior distribution of the freesurfer white matter hypointensity label. I used to it to measure the distribution of heterotopic GM nodules in people with periventricular nodular heterotopia, providing quantitative evidence that these nodules are mainly posterior (see This is set up to run on my computer which runs the version of FSL provided by neurodebian, so fsl commands are all prefixed with "fsl5.0-"
loads Freesurfer mgh files into R
saves mgh files from R
read Freesurfer label files into R
carry out vertex-wise equivalence testing analyses on Freesurfer-derived morphometric estimates. See for instructions and for a paper about it.
turn list of adni xml files into R data frame. Put xml files in directory called "xml" under your working directory, then in R: my.df <-
download scans for human connectome project. Replace "/home/hpardoe/Dropbox/human.connectome/s3cfg" with location of your own s3cfg file