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HOVER Engineering

Development setup

Copy/paste this into on your Mac

curl --output ~/Downloads/bootstrap
sh ~/Downloads/bootstrap

You'll be asked for your:

  • Bash / Z shell preference : If you don't know, just press return to use the default.
  • GitHub account email address : This is used to create SSH keys for working with GitHub.
  • macOS password : This is so that the script can use sudo to install some things.

What it does

  • Checks for or creates SSH keys for git/GitHub
  • Helps you add an SSH key to your GitHub account
  • Uses strap to setup up your Mac for development:
    • Disables Java in Safari (for better security)
    • Enables the macOS screensaver password immediately (for better security)
    • Enables the macOS application firewall (for better security)
    • Adds a Found this computer? message to the login screen (for machine recovery)
    • Enables full-disk encryption and saves the FileVault Recovery Key to the Desktop (for better security)
    • Installs the Xcode Command Line Tools (for compilers and Unix tools)
    • Agree to the Xcode license (for using compilers without prompts)
    • Installs Homebrew (for installing command-line software)
    • Installs Homebrew Bundle (for bundler-like Brewfile support)
    • Installs Homebrew Services (for managing Homebrew-installed services)
    • Installs Homebrew Cask (for installing graphical software)
    • Installs the latest macOS software updates (for better security)
    • Installs dotfiles from a user's repository and runs script/setup to configure them; also runs script/strap-after-setup after setting up everything else
    • Installs software from a user's Brewfile in their repository or .Brewfile in their home directory.
  • Installs everything from this repo's Brewfile
  • Installs Ruby
  • Installs NVM, the latest Node, and the latest NPM
  • Installs Postgres

AWS Credentials

Follow instructions on this page Installing gimme-aws-credentials to set up your aws credentials

Npm Setup

We use the npm registry for some packages which require a private token to be able to install. You will need 1password access to be able to get the token. If you do not have 1password access, request access to the 1Password Eng - DevEnv vault from IT. You should add this token to your environment to prevent errors when running npm or yarn.

  1. Open 1password, and find the Eng - DevEnv vault and find the entry for "NPM / HOVER_READ / @hover (read-only)".
  2. Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile / ~/.zshrc:
# "@hover" npm packages

Bundler and Github packages Setup

We use GitHub Package Registry for private repo RubyGems which requires a personal access token.

  1. Go to Settings › Developer Settings › Personal access tokens
  2. Click on Generate new token (classic)
  3. Set the Note field to HOVER packages
  4. Set Expiration to 90 days
  5. Check the repo and read:packages scopes
  6. Click on Generate token
  7. Copy the token!
  8. Save it to your 1Password vault
  9. On the resulting screen open the Enable SSO drop-down and click the Authorize button
  10. Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile / ~/.zshrc:
# "HOVER packages" github token
  1. You should now be able run bundle install in a new tab/window
  • NOTE: If you encounter an error that says the following while running bundle install:

    Bad username or password for https://<TOKEN>
    Please double-check your credentials and correct them.
  • Run the following command:

    bundle config <GITHUB-USERNAME>:<TOKEN>
  1. Important: Add a recurring calendar event to remind you every 3 months to replace your token so you're not left scratching your head when your development environment breaks

Contents of the Repo

Other Resources

Hover Employees should take a look at the engineering-internal repo


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