This base application project helps getting started with Solid web application development.
For building, it uses:
- Yarn for application project management (building, dependencies, etc).
- Webpack to create a web application distribution and supplies a developer friendly web server.
- Babel for compiling the Javascript source to web browser compatible code.
Included dependencies are:
- rdflib and solid-auth-client for working with a Solid POD (and other RDF data).
- React, a web component framework (DOM overlay).
- Material-UI, a React extension with useful web components.
# In case you don't already have yarn
npm install -D yarn
rm package-lock.json
# Enables executing binaries/scripts from node_modules
. .bashrc-npm-do
# Installs dependencies
npm-do yarn install
# Starts the webpack development web server
npm-do yarn start
# Builds a distributable, see "build/" directory
npm-do yarn build