Secure by easy-to-remember passwords.
Passwords are much more secure if they have lots of characters, but random strings of characters are heard to remember. A great solution is a string of a few words..
Install from source:
git clone
cd pwgen
pip install .
or install from Github:
pip install git+
You can produce random strings of words with pwgen. The code will search a list of common words and find a random combination to use as your password. For example:
# Output: Generic_personals_feels_health
You can change the number of words by passing an integer count as an argument. For example:
pwgen 3
# Output: Regardless_docs_sorts
pwgen 10
# Output: Counseling_arrive_decided_homepage_fatigue_antique_transaction_willie_nursery_cables
- Most products will require passwords to have special characters and/or capitalizations. To satisfy these requirements, pwgen capitalizes the first letter and delimited words with underscores. (Underscores have the added benefit of increasing readability.)