🌞 Nguyen Minh Hoang - AKA: PhêCode ^_^
- My real Vietnamese name is Hoang Minh Nguyen but you can call me Hoangdepzai.
- I'm full-stack developer based in H�a Noi city, Vietnam.
- I'm mainly using Javascript and Typescript.
- I have 4 years experience about Javascript and 3 years experience about analysis and design system.
- Tool:
- Github
- Azure / AWS
- Figma / Adobe Illustrator
- Postman / Swagger
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Jenkins + Nginx ...
- Technology:
- JavaScript:
- JQuery / AngularJs / Vanila JavaScript (Web Application;)
- ReactJS, NextJS, Angular (Web Application;)
- NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS (Backend)
- Typescript:
- ReactJs / NextJs (Web Application;)
- Css:
- TailwindCss / Boostrap (Web Application;)
- Python:
- Django (Web Application;)
- Data visualization with numpy, pandas, matplotlib.
- JavaScript:
- Database:
- MongoDB
- SQL Server
- PostgreSQL