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Running the Aivideo Core Product on Two Server

Sarah Aligbe edited this page Aug 24, 2024 · 1 revision


This documentation describes the setup of running our aivideo application across two servers with shared file storage using Network File System (NFS). The application is distributed between Server 1 and Server 2:

Server 1: Hosts the main application, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Flower to monitor the celery jobs. Server 2: Hosts a Celery worker for the jobs and FFmpeg itself. It uses NFS to access files uploaded on Server 1.

Server Configuration

Server 1 Setup

Services Running:

Main Application RabbitMQ PostgreSQL Flower Steps to Configure Server 1:

  1. Install Required Software:

Ensure your application, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, and Flower are installed and configured.

  1. Configure PostgreSQL to Allow Remote Connections: Edit the PostgreSQL configuration file (/etc/postgresql//main/postgresql.conf) and set listen_addresses to '*'. Update the pg_hba.conf file to allow connections from Server 2.
host    all             all             <Server 2 IP>/32            md5

b. Restart PostgreSQL:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql
  1. Set Up NFS Server:
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

b. Configure the NFS exports by editing /etc/exports:

/home/teampython/aivideo_be/media <Server 2 IP>(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)

c. Export the shares:

sudo exportfs -a

d. Restart the NFS service:

sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server

Server 2 Setup

Services Running:

Celery Worker FFmpeg

Steps to Configure Server 2:

  1. Install Required Software:

Install FFmpeg and Celery:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg
pip install celery
  1. Set Up NFS Client:

a. Install NFS client utilities:

sudo apt install nfs-common

b. Create a mount point:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/aivideo_be/media

c. Mount the NFS share:

sudo mount <Server 1 IP>:/home/teampython/aivideo_be/media /mnt/aivideo_be/media

d. Verify the mount:

df -h

e. Edit /etc/fstab on Server 2:

<Server 1 IP>:/home/teampython/aivideo_be/uploads /mnt/aivideo_be/uploads nfs defaults 0 0
  1. Configure Celery with PM2

Note: Ensure the Celery configuration points to the appropriate broker and backend.

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